
3.3 KiB

Welcome to Portas, the Keero REST API Service!

Portas is a project that provides access to engine via API.

This document describes Portas for contributors of the project, and assumes that you are already familiar with Portas from an end-user perspective.

This documentation is generated by the Sphinx toolkit and lives in the source tree.

Installation Guide


  1. Check out sources to some directory (<home>/keero):

    user@work:~/$ git clone ssh://<user>
  2. Install Portas:

    user@work:~/$ cd keero/portas && sudo python install


  1. Open first configuration file for editing:

    user@work:~/$ cd keero/portas/etc && nano portas-api.conf
  2. Configure according to you environment (please note rabbitmq section):

    # Show more verbose log output (sets INFO log level output)
    verbose = True
    # Show debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level output)
    debug = True
    # Address to bind the server to
    bind_host =
    # Port the bind the server to
    bind_port = 8082
    # Log to this file. Make sure the user running skeleton-api has
    # permissions to write to this file!
    log_file = /tmp/portas-api.log
    #A valid SQLAlchemy connection string for the metadata database
    sql_connection = sqlite:///portas.sqlite
    results_exchange = task-results
    results_queue = task-results
    reports_exchange = task-reports
    reports_queue = task-reports
    host = localhost
    port = 5672
    virtual_host = keero
    login = keero
    password = keero
  3. Open second configuration file for editing:

    smelikyan@work:~/cd keero/portas/etc && nano portas-api.conf
  4. Configure according to you environment (please note filter:authtoken section):

    pipeline = authtoken context apiv1app
    paste.app_factory = portas.api.v1.router:API.factory
    paste.filter_factory = portas.api.middleware.context:ContextMiddleware.factory
    paste.filter_factory = keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory
    auth_host = localhost
    auth_port = 35357
    auth_protocol = http
    admin_tenant_name = admin
    admin_user = admin
    admin_password = password
    signing_dir = /tmp/keystone-signing-portas


Run Portas and supply valid configuration file:

user@work:~/$ portas-api --config-file=./keero/portas/etc/portas-api.conf

Man Pages
