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Validation tool for Murano Application Packages
Murano doesn't have validation mechanisms for MuranoPL language and
application packages.
This spec proposes a validation toolkit that improves workflow
by making error detection possible at the early stages of application
development lifecycle.
Problem description
Early error detection simplifies application development,
troubleshooting and support.
Currently Murano does not provide mechanisms to perform validation of the
Murano application package before running deployment process.
Thus Murano cannot prevent uploading of invalid package and developer
cannot verify that application package contains valid structure
and code before deployment process.
Many problems with application packages (such as invalid package structure,
errors in code, typos, etc.) can be detected and solved by using
static validation tool.
Proposed change
Introduce a new toolkit for validation MuranoPL language and Murano application
* Validation toolkit SHOULD be implemented as a standalone Python package
(library) with CLI interface.
* Validation library will be used to validate Murano packages during loading
* CLI tool can be used by application developer to perform early checks before
package is assembled.
* Toolkit should be extensible with custom validators. It will provide API for
extension purposes.
* Toolkit should be configurable to run list of specified inspections
or to ignore specified inspections.
Toolkit should implement the following validation suites:
* Manifest validation
* Classes validation
* UI definition validation
Other validators will be implemented later as part of this tool or as external
Manifest validation
* ``manifest.yaml`` file should exist and should be a valid YAML document.
* ``manifest.yaml`` structure should respond to manifest structure described in
* All files referenced in ``Classes`` section should exist in ``Classes``
subdirectory and should be valid YAML documents.
* Warning should be reported in case when additional files exist in ``Classes``
subdirectory but not referenced in the manifest file.
* UI definition file should exist for Application package (MuranoPL =< 1.4)
Class validation
* Valid classes and methods should check if properties are defined
correctly and there are no extra keys that are not supported.
* Check if class is in correct namespaces according to manifest and
class name matches.
* Contract fields should be valid YAQL expressions.
* Methods blocks should be checked for MuranoPL code structure correctness.
Method blocks may consist only of Expressions, Assignments and Block
constructs. See `full terms description <>`_
for details.
* (Optional) Detect code that cannot be parsed as YAQL expression but is
considered to be a valid expression.
UI validation
* UI definition should contain ``Application`` and ``Forms`` sections
* YAQL expressions in UI definition should be valid
* ``Form`` section should contain only valid forms
Error code consists of prefix and error number. Prefix is an upper case
alphabetical sequence. It can be empty for general errors. Errors specific for
some validator should use validator short name as prefix. Error number is an
upper case alphanumerical sequence (one single letter ``E`` or ``W``
following by three digits). Examples: ``E007``, ``MPL:E042`` for errors and
``W777``, ``UI:W123`` for warnings. Validation tool should have ability to
produce documentation of supported errors and warnings.
Package structure reference
Package consists of:
* Manifest - File in package root directory named ``manifest.yaml``.
* MuranoPL classes - YAML files located in ``Classes`` directory or its
subdirectories (optional).
* UI definition - YAML file in ``UI`` directory (optional).
* Resources - files in ``Resources`` directory (optional).
* Logo (optional)
* images.lst file (optional)
.. _manifest-structure-section:
Manifest structure
Application package format. Can be specified as ``<FORMAT>/<VERSION>``,
where format is a format name string (can be ``MuranoPL`` or ``Heat.HOT``).
If format is omitted, ``MuranoPL`` is used by default.
* Required: no
* Default: ``MuranoPL/1.0``
* Format: ``<FORMAT>/<VERSION>``
* Required: yes
* Type: Enum(Application, Library)
Package human readable name
* Required: no
* Type: String
Package fully qualified name. Should be in lowerCamelCase notation
separated by dots.
* Required: yes
* Type: String
Version of package
* Required: no
* Default: ``0.0.0``
* Type: String, should have valid `SemVer format <>`_
* Required: no
* Type: String
* Required: no
* Type: String
* Required: no
* Type: List(String)
* Required: no
* Type: Dict
- Keys: String, Fully qualified class name
- Values: String, Filename relative to ``Classes`` directory
Package external requirements.
* Required: no
* Type: Dict
- Keys: Dependent package ``FullName``
- Values: ``null`` or string with exact version ('1', '2.3', '4.5.6') or
valid spec_strings according to `python-semanticversion docs <>`_
File with package UI definition
* Required: yes (for package type ``Application``)
* Type: String, Filename relative to root directory
* Default: ``logo.png``
Package logo in png format.
* Required: no
* Type: String, Filename relative to ``UI`` directory
* Default: ``ui.yaml``
* Required: no
* Type: Dict or List(Dict) with metadata information
Class structure
* Required: yes, if more than one class defined in the file
* Type: String
* Format:
- Matches Python class name format, except leading
double underscore (``__ClassName``).
- Matches CamelCase naming style.
* Required: no
* Type: Dict
For more details see :ref:`class-properties-section`.
* Required: no
* Type: Dict
For more details see :ref:`class-methods-section`.
Single or multiple class names.
* Required: no
* Type: String | YAML List
* Required: no
* Type: Dict
* Keys: String; Namespace alias
* Values: String; Namespace full qualified name
* Format:
- Namespace alias is a valid YAQL identifier or ``=``.
- Namespace FQN is a string divided by dots (``.``).
- Recommendation is to use lowerCamelCase naming style.
* Required: no
* Type: String, Class name, List(Class names)
* Required: no
* Type: Enum(Class, Meta)
* Default: ``Class``
* Required: no
* Type: Dict or List(Dict) with metadata information
MetaClass structure
In addition to regular Class structure, MetaClass (Class with Usage: Meta) can
have additional properties:
* Required: no
* Type: Enum(One, Many)
* Required: no
* Type: Enum(Package, Type, Method, Property, Argument, All) or List(Enum)
* Required: no
* Type: boolean
.. _class-properties-section:
Class properties
* Required: yes
* Type: YAQL Expression
* Required: no
* Type: Enum
========= ====================
========= ====================
In Default
Config Since version 1.1
Static Since version 1.2
========= ====================
* Required: no
* Type: Any value
* Required: no
* Type: Dict or List(Dict) with metadata information
.. _class-methods-section:
Class methods
.. versionadded:: 1.4
* Required: no
* Type: Enum
* Values: Public, Session
* Required: no
* Type: List(Dict)
For more details see :ref:`methods-argument-section`.
* Required: no
* Type: YAQL Expression | List(YAQL Expression)
* Required: no
* Type: Enum
========= ====================
========= ====================
Runtime Default
Static Since 1.3
Extension Since 1.3
Action Deprecated since 1.4
========= ====================
* Required: no
* Type: Dict or List(Dict) with metadata information
.. _methods-argument-section:
Method's Argument
* Type: Dict(String, Dict)
* Key: Argument name
* Contract: YAQL Expression
* Default: YAQL Expression
* Usage: Enum added since 1.4
========= ====================
========= ====================
Standard Default
========= ====================
* Required: no
* Type: List with metadata information
Validation tool should be extensible and provide unified mechanism for builtin
checks and extensions.
Extensions should be implemented as a python package and registered using
entry points.
Extensions are loaded using
`stevedore <>`_ library.
CLI Usage
Usage: mpl-check [options] <PACKAGE | DIRECTORY>
DIRECTORY Application working directory (e.g. contains
manifest.yaml, Classes/, etc.)
PACKAGE Compressed application (ZIP-archive)
--ignore=errors Skip errors and warnings.
--select=errors Check only for selected errors and warnings.
--scope=validators List of validators to execute
--strict Consider warnings as an errors.
Implement validation as part of Murano and validate the package
when it is uploaded to Murano.
- Easier to implement.
- Suitable for Murano itself, but not for developers.
- Integration with CI which requires execution of functional
tests and is slower than static validation.
- Cannot be integrated with text editors or IDEs.
Data model impact
REST API impact
Murano API for upload packages should use this tool to do package validation
before store it. If package is not valid, HTTP error with code 400 should be
returned to user with list of check errors in description.
Versioning impact
Other end user impact
* Murano application package developer will be able to validate package
during development process.
Deployer impact
Developer impact
Application developer will be able to validate application code
during development process without importing package to Murano
and running deployment process or test suite.
Murano-dashboard / Horizon impact
Error message is displayed in Horizon when trying to upload
malformed package.
Application class
Application class provides an entry point to the checker.
It is responsible for configuration, extensions loading and validation
Application options are registered using oslo.config
* __init__(self, options)
* ``load_plugins(self)`` - Finds validators from installed plugins
* ``prepare_check_suit(self, loaded_package, validator_list)`` - Collect
prepared checks from all validators in validator_list against specified
package. Returns list with prepared checks.
* ``list_errors(self, filters)``- Lists errors/warnings exposed by all available
Validator classes
Validator class represents set for specific checks and logic to register them.
+-- PackageValidator
+-- ManifestValidator
+-- UiValidator
+-- ClassValidator
* ``short_name`` short name for validator. Used as prefix for validator specific
* ``__init__(loaded_package)`` - Init validator for specific format
* ``run(self)`` - Runs validator against specified suit of files or
whole package if file_suit=None (for Package validator)
Checker is a function that performs checking logic. It takes data from args
and yields error if it is not valid. Checkers should not contain logic for
data preparation. Checker can be reused multiple times with different options
in a single suit of checks. Checker can be wrapped with custom filters
(i.e. manifest version), so it is called only for matching conditions.
Class ``CheckerError`` contains information including error code, message,
file name and position in that file. Additionally it can include
code snippet, if it's available. For YAML data it's available using
``yaml.error.Mark`` class. Otherwise code snippet can be generated during
error formatting.
* code - Error code (Usually single letter and three digits)
* message - Human readable error reason
* filename - File name relative to package root
* line - Line number (starts from 0, optional)
* column - Column number (starts from 0, optional)
* source - One line code snippet with highlighted column (optional)
Package loaders
Package loaders provide interface to Murano packages in multiple formats.
Currently packages can be loaded from directory, single file or zip archive
+-- DirectoryLoader
+-- FileLoader
+-- ZipLoader
* ``try_load(cls, path, *options)`` - [classmethod] Tries to load package, if it
can be loaded returns instance of loaded package, otherwise None.
Loaded package
Loaded package class introduces a general interface for access to packages of
different format.
* ``get_file(self, name)`` - File wrapper if file exists, None otherwise
* ``format(self)`` - Ru
* ``exists(self, name)`` - Returns true if file exists in the package.
* ``list(self, subdir=None)`` - Returns list of all files in the package
(or in it's subdirectory).
* ``search_for(self, regex)`` - Return iterator of files fit to regex
File wrapper allows to access to raw file context with method ``raw()`` and
to parsed dict with method ``parsed()``
Formatter classes help to represent error report in various ways.
Errors can be printed to ``stdout``/``stderr`` using text representation,
which suits developer or written to file in ``JSON``/``YAML`` format.
Primary assignee:
Alexander Saprykin <cutwater>
Other contributors:
Krzysztof Szukielojc <kszukielojc>
Sergey Slipushenko <sslypushenko>
Work Items
#. Develop core framework with support of extensions.
#. Implement manifest and package structure checks.
#. Implement Murano PL classes checks.
#. Implement UI definition file validation.
#. Implement YAQL checks.
#. Integrate package validation with murano API.
#. Develop CLI tool based on core framework
#. Create documentation.
* `PyYAML <>`_
* `stevedore <>`_
Package should include unit and functional tests.
Documentation Impact
Documentation for the library should include:
* Usage information that describes how to use the application.
* API reference.
* Plugin developer documentation.