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Quality of Service

Quality of Service advanced service is designed as a service plugin. The service is decoupled from the rest of Neutron code on multiple levels (see below).

QoS is the first service/api extension to extend core resources (ports, networks) without using mixins inherited from plugins.

Details about the DB models, API extension, and use cases can be found here: qos spec .

Service side design

  • neutron.extensions.qos: base extension + API controller definition.
  • QoSPlugin, service plugin that implements 'qos' extension, receiving and handling API calls to create/modify policies and rules. It also handles core plugin requests to associate ports and networks with a QoS policy.
  • the interface class for server-side QoS backend which will receive {create, update, delete} events on any rule change.
  • message queue based reference backend driver which provides messaging notifications to any interested agent, using RPC callbacks.

QoS resources

QoS design defines the following two conceptual resources to define QoS rules for a port or a network:

  • QoS policy
  • QoS rule (type specific)

Each QoS policy contains zero or more QoS rules. A policy is then applied to a network or a port, making all rules of the policy applied to the corresponding Neutron resource (for a network, applying a policy means that the policy will be applied to all ports that belong to it).

From database point of view, following objects are defined in schema:

  • QosPolicy: directly maps to the conceptual policy resource.
  • QosNetworkPolicyBinding, QosPortPolicyBinding: defines attachment between a Neutron resource and a QoS policy.
  • QosRule: defines common rule fields for all supported rule types.
  • QosBandwidthLimitRule: defines rule fields that are specific to bandwidth_limit type (the only type supported by the service as of time of writing).

There is a one-to-one relationship between QosRule and type specific Qos<type>Rule database objects. We represent the single object with two tables to avoid duplication of common fields. (That introduces some complexity in neutron objects for rule resources, but see below).

All database models are defined under:

  • neutron.db.qos.models

There is a long history of passing database dictionaries directly into business logic of Neutron. This path is not the one we wanted to take for QoS effort, so we've also introduced a new objects middleware to encapsulate the database logic from the rest of the Neutron code that works with QoS resources. For this, we've adopted oslo.versionedobjects library and introduced a new NeutronObject class that is a base for all other objects that will belong to the middle layer. There is an expectation that Neutron will evolve into using objects for all resources it handles, though that part is obviously out of scope for the QoS effort.

Every NeutronObject supports the following operations:

  • get_by_id: returns specific object that is represented by the id passed as an argument.
  • get_objects: returns all objects of the type, potentially with a filter applied.
  • create/update/delete: usual persistence operations.

Base object class is defined in:

  • neutron.objects.base

For QoS, new neutron objects were implemented:

  • QosPolicy: directly maps to the conceptual policy resource, as defined above.
  • QosBandwidthLimitRule: class that represents the only rule type supported by initial QoS design.

Those are defined in:

  • neutron.objects.qos.policy
  • neutron.objects.qos.rule

For QosPolicy neutron object, the following public methods were implemented:

  • get_network_policy/get_port_policy: returns a policy object that is attached to the corresponding Neutron resource.
  • attach_network/attach_port: attach a policy to the corresponding Neutron resource.
  • detach_network/detach_port: detach a policy from the corresponding Neutron resource.

In addition to the fields that belong to QoS policy database object itself, synthetic fields were added to the object that represent lists of rules, per-type, that belong to the policy. For example, to get a list of all bandwidth_limit rules for a specific policy, a consumer of the object can just access corresponding attribute via:

  • policy.bandwidth_limit_rules

Implementation is done in a way that will allow adding a new rule list field with little or no modifications in the policy object itself. This is achieved by smart introspection of existing available rule object definitions and automatic definition of those fields on the policy class.

Note that synthetic fields are lazily loaded, meaning there is no hit into the database if the field is not inspected by consumers.

For Qos<type>Rule objects, an extendable approach was taken to allow easy addition of objects for new rule types. To accomodate this, all the methods that access the database were implemented in a base class called QosRule that is then inherited into type-specific rule implementations that, ideally, only define additional fields and some other minor things.

Note that the QosRule base class is not registered with oslo.versionedobjects registry, because it's not expected that 'generic' rules should be instantiated (and to enforce just that, the base rule class is marked as ABC).

QoS objects rely on some primitive database API functions that are added in:

  • neutron.db.api
  • neutron.db.qos.api

Callback changes

TODO(QoS): We're changing strategy here to not rely on AFTER_READ callbacks,

and foster discussion about how to do decouple core resource extension in the community. So, update next phrase when that happens.

To extend ports and networks with qos_policy_id field, AFTER_READ callback event is introduced.

Note: a better mechanism is being built by @armax to make resource extensions more explicit and under control. We will migrate to that better mechanism as soon as it's available.

RPC communication

Details on RPC communication implemented in reference backend driver are discussed in a separate page.

One thing that should be mentioned here explicitly is that RPC callback endpoints communicate using real versioned objects (as defined by serialization for oslo.versionedobjects library), not vague json dictionaries. Meaning, oslo.versionedobjects are on the wire and not just used internally inside a component.

There is expectation that after RPC callbacks are introduced in Neutron, we will be able to migrate propagation from server to agents for other resources (f.e. security groups) to the new mechanism. This will need to wait until those resources get proper NeutronObject implementations.

Agent side design

To facilitate code reusability between agents and agent extensions without patching the agent code itself, agent extensions were introduced. They can be especially interesting to third parties that don't want to maintain their code in Neutron tree.

Extensions are meant to receive basic events like port update or delete, and do whatever they need with it.

  • neutron.agent.l2.agent_extension: extension interface definition.
  • neutron.agent.l2.agent_extensions_manager: manager that allows to register multiple extensions, and pass events down to all enabled extensions.
  • neutron.agent.l2.extensions.qos_agent: defines QoSAgentExtension that is also pluggable using QoSAgentDriver implementations that are specific to agent backends being used.
  • neutron.agent.l2.l2_agent: provides the API entry point for process{network,subnet,port}_extension, and holds an agent extension manager inside. TODO(QoS): clarify what this is for, I don't follow a bit.


TODO(QoS): there is work ongoing that will need to be reflected here.

Agent backends

TODO(QoS): this section needs rework.

Open vSwitch

  • neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.extension_drivers.qos_driver This module implements the QoSAgentDriver interface used by the QosAgentExtension.
  • neutron.agent.common.ovs_lib
  • neutron.agent.ovsdb.api
  • neutron.agent.ovsdb.impl_idl
  • neutron.agent.ovsdb.impl_vsctl
  • neutron.agent.ovsdb.native.commands




Testing strategy

Neutron objects

Base unit test classes to validate neutron objects were implemented in a way that allows code reuse when introducing a new object type.

There are two test classes that are utilized for that:

  • BaseObjectIfaceTestCase: class to validate basic object operations (mostly CRUD) with database layer isolated.
  • BaseDbObjectTestCase: class to validate the same operations with models in place and database layer unmocked.

Every new object implemented on top of one of those classes is expected to either inherit existing test cases as is, or reimplement it, if it makes sense in terms of how those objects are implemented. Specific test classes can obviously extend the set of test cases as they see needed (f.e. you need to define new test cases for those additional methods that you may add to your object implementations on top of base semantics common to all neutron objects).