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File I/O Cinder Connector

There are several Cinder drivers that support having the file system mounted locally and then connecting in to the VM as a volume (ex. GPFS, NFS, etc...). There is the ability to support this type of volume in PowerVM, if the user has mounted the file system to the NovaLink. This blueprint adds support to the PowerVM driver to support such Cinder volumes.

Problem description

The PowerVM driver supports Fibre Channel and iSCSI based volumes. It does not currently support volumes that are presented on a file system as files.

The recent release of PowerVM NovaLink has added support for this in the REST API. This blueprint looks to take advantage of that support.

Use Cases

  • As a user, I want to attach a volume that is backed by a file based Cinder volume (ex. NFS or GPFS).
  • As a user, I want to detach a volume that is backed by a file based Cinder volume (ex. NFS or GPFS).

Proposed change

Add nova_powervm/virt/powervm/volume/ This would extend the existing volume drivers. It would store the LUN ID on the scsi bus.

This does not support traditional VIOS. Like the iSCSI change, it would require running through the NovaLink partition.



Security impact


One may consider the permission of the file presented by Cinder. The Cinder driver's BDM will provide a path to a file. The hypervisor will map that file as the root user. So file permissions of the volume should not be a concern. This seems consistent with the other hypervisors utilizing these types of Cinder drivers.

End user impact


Performance Impact


Deployer impact

Deployer must set up the backing Cinder driver and connect the file systems to the NovaLink partition in their environment.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Create a nova-powervm fileio cinder volume connector. Create associated UT.
  • Validate with the GPFS cinder backend.


  • pypowervm or higher


Unit Testing is obvious.

Manual testing will be driven via connecting to a GPFS back-end.

CI environments will be evaluated to determine if there is a way to add this to the current CI infrastructure.

Documentation Impact

None. Will update the nova-powervm dev-ref to reflect that 'file I/O drivers' are supported, but the support matrix doesn't go into the detail of what cinder drivers work with nova drivers.
