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Support filtering by aggregate membership to allocation candidates

Provide support for filtering allocation candidates by the underlying resource provider's membership in one or more aggregates.

Problem description

The list of resource providers that the placement API's GET /allocation_candidates returns can be very large, particularly when many compute hosts are empty. Sometimes nova may have information that would allow the number of compute hosts to be dramatically reduced. For instance, if nova knows that a particular project is "pinned" to a host aggregate, currently nova asks placement for all the resource providers that meet the resource requirements of the flavor and then promptly discards any compute hosts that are not in that particular host aggregate (in the aggregate multi-tenancy isolation filter).

This process could be much more efficient if the nova scheduler were to simply ask placement to only return compute hosts that are associated with a nova host aggregate.

Use Cases

Simple pre-processing scheduler filters like the aggregate multi-tenancy isolation filter can be replaced with more efficient placement-side filtering. This requires only the ability to provide a list of aggregates, one of which the candidates must belong to.

More complex cases arise when multiple aggregate-based requirements need to be expressed. For example, imagine the above case of a tenant confined to a set of aggregates, combined with a user's request to boot into a specific AZ (aggregate). In order to express this, we need to be able to provide multiple OR'd sets of aggregates, each of which are AND'd together. This would allow us to express a logical query like:

Give me all allocation candidates that are allowed to house tenant
"foo" (either "tenant_foo_old_computes" or
"tenant_foo_new_computes") and are also in AZ "US Chicago".

The desired nodes are the resource providers that are in the union of all the aggregates that define suitable computes assigned to the tenant by the operator, which intersect with the aggregate that defines the AZ requested by the user.

Proposed change

The existing GET /resource_providers placement REST API call supports a member_of query parameter_. This parameter is "a string representing an aggregate uuid; or the prefix in: followed by a comma-separated list of strings representing aggregate uuids. The returned resource providers must be associated with at least one of the aggregates identified by uuid."

This provides sufficient expressivity to query for the set of providers desired in the first use case above. For the second, we must be able to provide multiple such sets, and take the resulting intersection.

We propose to support this exact same parameter for the GET /allocation_candidates placement REST API call.

If multiple member_of parameters are provided, the corresponding values will be considered by the underlying implementation to be ANDed together. In other words, the following query string:


would translate logically to:

Candidate resource providers should be in either agg1 or agg2, but definitely in agg3.

For consistency, the GET /resource_providers REST API call should also be augmented to handle multiple member_of query sets in the same way as above.


We can continue to do post-processing of compute hosts by looking at host aggregate relationships in the scheduler filters. As noted, however, this is inefficient.

Data model impact


REST API impact

Add the member_of parameter to the GET /allocation_candidates REST API call. Make the behavior and specification identical to the same-named parameter for the GET /resource_providers REST API call. A new microversion will be used to indicate to clients that the new parameter is available.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

Expected increase in overall scheduler performance for use cases where the scheduler can limit the number of compute hosts it operates on.

Other deployer impact

We should be able to deprecate the aggregate multi-tenancy isolation and availability zone scheduler filters after the "S" release.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Add support to the nova.objects.AllocationCandidates.get_by_requests() method for the member_of filter. This will require changes to the RequestGroup object as well
  • Add new microversion to the placement REST API to support the member_of query parameter
  • Add support to the nova.objects.AllocationCandidates.get_by_requests() method for multiple member_of query sets.
  • Add new microversion to the placement REST API to support multiple sets.


In order for this functionality to be useful, nova host aggregates should be "mirrored" into the placement service. Currently, nova host aggregates are not yet showing up automatically in the placement service. A separate blueprint_ for this will be a soft dependency for this work.


Normal functional and unit testing.

Documentation Impact

Document the REST API microversion in the appropriate reference docs.


placement-req-filter blueprint (use case):