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There are a number of drivers to support different collector backends:


  • Overview

    The Redis driver allows profiling data to be collected into a redis database instance. The traces are stored as key-value pairs where the key is a string built using trace ids and timestamps and the values are JSON strings containing the trace information. A second driver is included to use Redis Sentinel in addition to single node Redis.

  • Capabilities

    • Write trace data to the database.
    • Query Traces in database: This allows for pulling trace data querying on the keys used to save the data in the database.
    • Generate a report based on the traces stored in the database.
    • Supports use of Redis Sentinel for robustness.
  • Usage

    The driver is used by OSProfiler when using a connection-string URL of the form redis://[:password]@host[:port][/db]. To use the Sentinel version use a connection-string of the form redissentinel://[:password]@host[:port][/db]

  • Configuration

    • No config changes are required by for the base Redis driver.
    • There are two configuration options for the Redis Sentinel driver:
      • socket_timeout: specifies the sentinel connection socket timeout value. Defaults to: 0.1 seconds
      • sentinel_service_name: The name of the Sentinel service to use. Defaults to: "mymaster"


The SQLAlchemy collector allows you to store profiling data into a database supported by SQLAlchemy.


To use the driver, the connection_string in the [osprofiler] config section needs to be set to a connection string that SQLAlchemy understands For example:

connection_string = mysql+pymysql://username:password@

where username is the database username, password is the database password, is the database IP address and profiler is the database name.

The database (in this example called profiler) needs to be created manually and the database user (in this example called username) needs to have priviliges to create tables and select and insert rows.