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pbr provides a set of default python packaging configuration and behaviors. It is implemented as a setup hook for d2to1 which allows us to manipulate the setup.cfg information before it is passed to setup.py.


Version strings will be inferred from git. If a given revision is tagged, that's the version. If it's not, and you don't provide a version, the version will be very similar to git describe. If you do, then we'll assume that's the version you are working towards, and will generate alpha version strings based on commits since last tag and the current git sha.

requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt will be used to populate install requirements as needed.

Sphinx documentation setups are altered to generate man pages by default. They also have several pieces of information that are known to setup.py injected into the sphinx config.


pbr requires a distribution to use distribute. Your distribution must include a distutils2-like setup.cfg file, and a minimal setup.py script.

A simple sample can be found in pbr s own setup.cfg (it uses its own machinery to install itself):

name = pbr
author = OpenStack Foundation
author-email = openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
summary = OpenStack's setup automation in a reuable form
description-file = README
license = Apache-2
classifier =
    Development Status :: 4 - Beta
        Environment :: Console
        Environment :: OpenStack
        Intended Audience :: Developers
        Intended Audience :: Information Technology
        License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
        Operating System :: OS Independent
        Programming Language :: Python
keywords =
packages =
setup-hooks =

The minimal setup.py should look something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from setuptools import setup

    setup_requires=['d2to1', 'pbr'],

Note that it's important to specify d2to1=True or else the pbr functionality will not be enabled.

It should also work fine if additional arguments are passed to setup(), but it should be noted that they will be clobbered by any options in the setup.cfg file.

Running Tests

The testing system is based on a combination of tox and testr. The canonical approach to running tests is to simply run the command tox. This will create virtual environments, populate them with depenedencies and run all of the tests that OpenStack CI systems run. Behind the scenes, tox is running testr run --parallel, but is set up such that you can supply any additional testr arguments that are needed to tox. For example, you can run: tox -- --analyze-isolation to cause tox to tell testr to add --analyze-isolation to its argument list.

It is also possible to run the tests inside of a virtual environment you have created, or it is possible that you have all of the dependencies installed locally already. If you'd like to go this route, the requirements are listed in requirements.txt and the requirements for testing are in test-requirements.txt. Installing them via pip, for instance, is simply:

pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt

In you go this route, you can interact with the testr command directly. Running testr run will run the entire test suite. testr run --parallel will run it in parallel (this is the default incantation tox uses.) More information about testr can be found at: http://wiki.openstack.org/testr