Remove unused module cliutils and timeutils

cliutils and timeutils is not used anywhere, it should be removed safely.

Change-Id: I47ef282ed4da297cf1ff98289300f29412fa8205
Closes-bug: #1476898
This commit is contained in:
liyingjun 2015-07-22 10:55:03 +08:00
parent c0c0a77c56
commit f18111a94d
3 changed files with 0 additions and 529 deletions

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@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# W0603: Using the global statement
# W0621: Redefining name %s from outer scope
# pylint: disable=W0603,W0621
from __future__ import print_function
import getpass
import inspect
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import prettytable
import six
from six import moves
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import strutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from muranoclient.openstack.common.apiclient import exceptions
from muranoclient.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
def validate_args(fn, *args, **kwargs):
"""Check that the supplied args are sufficient for calling a function.
>>> validate_args(lambda a: None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
MissingArgs: Missing argument(s): a
>>> validate_args(lambda a, b, c, d: None, 0, c=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
MissingArgs: Missing argument(s): b, d
:param fn: the function to check
:param arg: the positional arguments supplied
:param kwargs: the keyword arguments supplied
argspec = inspect.getargspec(fn)
num_defaults = len(argspec.defaults or [])
required_args = argspec.args[:len(argspec.args) - num_defaults]
def isbound(method):
return getattr(method, '__self__', None) is not None
if isbound(fn):
missing = [arg for arg in required_args if arg not in kwargs]
missing = missing[len(args):]
if missing:
raise exceptions.MissingArgs(missing)
def arg(*args, **kwargs):
"""Decorator for CLI args.
>>> @arg("name", help="Name of the new entity")
... def entity_create(args):
... pass
def _decorator(func):
add_arg(func, *args, **kwargs)
return func
return _decorator
def env(*args, **kwargs):
"""Returns the first environment variable set.
If all are empty, defaults to '' or keyword arg `default`.
for arg in args:
value = os.environ.get(arg)
if value:
return value
return kwargs.get('default', '')
def add_arg(func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Bind CLI arguments to a `do_foo` function."""
if not hasattr(func, 'arguments'):
func.arguments = []
# NOTE(sirp): avoid dups that can occur when the module is shared across
# tests.
if (args, kwargs) not in func.arguments:
# Because of the semantics of decorator composition if we just append
# to the options list positional options will appear to be backwards.
func.arguments.insert(0, (args, kwargs))
def unauthenticated(func):
"""Adds 'unauthenticated' attribute to decorated function.
>>> @unauthenticated
... def mymethod(f):
... pass
func.unauthenticated = True
return func
def isunauthenticated(func):
"""Checks if the function does not require authentication.
Mark such functions with the `@unauthenticated` decorator.
:returns: bool
return getattr(func, 'unauthenticated', False)
def print_list(objs, fields, formatters=None, sortby_index=0,
"""Print a list or objects as a table, one row per object.
:param objs: iterable of :class:`Resource`
:param fields: attributes that correspond to columns, in order
:param formatters: `dict` of callables for field formatting
:param sortby_index: index of the field for sorting table rows
:param mixed_case_fields: fields corresponding to object attributes that
have mixed case names (e.g., 'serverId')
formatters = formatters or {}
mixed_case_fields = mixed_case_fields or []
if sortby_index is None:
kwargs = {}
kwargs = {'sortby': fields[sortby_index]}
pt = prettytable.PrettyTable(fields, caching=False)
pt.align = 'l'
for o in objs:
row = []
for field in fields:
if field in formatters:
if field in mixed_case_fields:
field_name = field.replace(' ', '_')
field_name = field.lower().replace(' ', '_')
data = getattr(o, field_name, '')
def print_dict(dct, dict_property="Property", wrap=0):
"""Print a `dict` as a table of two columns.
:param dct: `dict` to print
:param dict_property: name of the first column
:param wrap: wrapping for the second column
pt = prettytable.PrettyTable([dict_property, 'Value'], caching=False)
pt.align = 'l'
for k, v in six.iteritems(dct):
# convert dict to str to check length
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = six.text_type(v)
if wrap > 0:
v = textwrap.fill(six.text_type(v), wrap)
# if value has a newline, add in multiple rows
# e.g. fault with stacktrace
if v and isinstance(v, six.string_types) and r'\n' in v:
lines = v.strip().split(r'\n')
col1 = k
for line in lines:
pt.add_row([col1, line])
col1 = ''
pt.add_row([k, v])
def get_password(max_password_prompts=3):
"""Read password from TTY."""
verify = strutils.bool_from_string(env("OS_VERIFY_PASSWORD"))
pw = None
if hasattr(sys.stdin, "isatty") and sys.stdin.isatty():
# Check for Ctrl-D
for __ in moves.range(max_password_prompts):
pw1 = getpass.getpass("OS Password: ")
if verify:
pw2 = getpass.getpass("Please verify: ")
pw2 = pw1
if pw1 == pw2 and pw1:
pw = pw1
except EOFError:
return pw
def find_resource(manager, name_or_id, **find_args):
"""Look for resource in a given manager.
Used as a helper for the _find_* methods.
.. code-block:: python
def _find_hypervisor(cs, hypervisor):
#Get a hypervisor by name or ID.
return cliutils.find_resource(cs.hypervisors, hypervisor)
# first try to get entity as integer id
return manager.get(int(name_or_id))
except (TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.NotFound):
# now try to get entity as uuid
if six.PY2:
tmp_id = encodeutils.safe_encode(name_or_id)
tmp_id = encodeutils.safe_decode(name_or_id)
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(tmp_id):
return manager.get(tmp_id)
except (TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.NotFound):
# for str id which is not uuid
if getattr(manager, 'is_alphanum_id_allowed', False):
return manager.get(name_or_id)
except exceptions.NotFound:
return manager.find(human_id=name_or_id, **find_args)
except exceptions.NotFound:
# finally try to find entity by name
resource = getattr(manager, 'resource_class', None)
name_attr = resource.NAME_ATTR if resource else 'name'
kwargs = {name_attr: name_or_id}
return manager.find(**kwargs)
except exceptions.NotFound:
msg = _("No %(name)s with a name or "
"ID of '%(name_or_id)s' exists.") % \
"name": manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(),
"name_or_id": name_or_id
raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
except exceptions.NoUniqueMatch:
msg = _("Multiple %(name)s matches found for "
"'%(name_or_id)s', use an ID to be more specific.") % \
"name": manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(),
"name_or_id": name_or_id
raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
def service_type(stype):
"""Adds 'service_type' attribute to decorated function.
.. code-block:: python
def mymethod(f):
def inner(f):
f.service_type = stype
return f
return inner
def get_service_type(f):
"""Retrieves service type from function."""
return getattr(f, 'service_type', None)
def pretty_choice_list(l):
return ', '.join("'%s'" % i for i in l)
def exit(msg=''):
if msg:
print (msg, file=sys.stderr)

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@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Time related utilities and helper functions.
import calendar
import datetime
import time
import iso8601
import six
# ISO 8601 extended time format with microseconds
_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT_SUBSECOND = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
def isotime(at=None, subsecond=False):
"""Stringify time in ISO 8601 format."""
if not at:
at = utcnow()
st = at.strftime(_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT
if not subsecond
tz = at.tzinfo.tzname(None) if at.tzinfo else 'UTC'
st += ('Z' if tz == 'UTC' else tz)
return st
def parse_isotime(timestr):
"""Parse time from ISO 8601 format."""
return iso8601.parse_date(timestr)
except iso8601.ParseError as e:
raise ValueError(six.text_type(e))
except TypeError as e:
raise ValueError(six.text_type(e))
def strtime(at=None, fmt=PERFECT_TIME_FORMAT):
"""Returns formatted utcnow."""
if not at:
at = utcnow()
return at.strftime(fmt)
def parse_strtime(timestr, fmt=PERFECT_TIME_FORMAT):
"""Turn a formatted time back into a datetime."""
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, fmt)
def normalize_time(timestamp):
"""Normalize time in arbitrary timezone to UTC naive object."""
offset = timestamp.utcoffset()
if offset is None:
return timestamp
return timestamp.replace(tzinfo=None) - offset
def is_older_than(before, seconds):
"""Return True if before is older than seconds."""
if isinstance(before, six.string_types):
before = parse_strtime(before).replace(tzinfo=None)
before = before.replace(tzinfo=None)
return utcnow() - before > datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
def is_newer_than(after, seconds):
"""Return True if after is newer than seconds."""
if isinstance(after, six.string_types):
after = parse_strtime(after).replace(tzinfo=None)
after = after.replace(tzinfo=None)
return after - utcnow() > datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
def utcnow_ts():
"""Timestamp version of our utcnow function."""
if utcnow.override_time is None:
# NOTE(kgriffs): This is several times faster
# than going through calendar.timegm(...)
return int(time.time())
return calendar.timegm(utcnow().timetuple())
def utcnow():
"""Overridable version of utils.utcnow."""
if utcnow.override_time:
return utcnow.override_time.pop(0)
except AttributeError:
return utcnow.override_time
return datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def iso8601_from_timestamp(timestamp):
"""Returns an iso8601 formatted date from timestamp."""
return isotime(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp))
utcnow.override_time = None
def set_time_override(override_time=None):
"""Overrides utils.utcnow.
Make it return a constant time or a list thereof, one at a time.
:param override_time: datetime instance or list thereof. If not
given, defaults to the current UTC time.
utcnow.override_time = override_time or datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def advance_time_delta(timedelta):
"""Advance overridden time using a datetime.timedelta."""
assert utcnow.override_time is not None
for dt in utcnow.override_time:
dt += timedelta
except TypeError:
utcnow.override_time += timedelta
def advance_time_seconds(seconds):
"""Advance overridden time by seconds."""
advance_time_delta(datetime.timedelta(0, seconds))
def clear_time_override():
"""Remove the overridden time."""
utcnow.override_time = None
def marshall_now(now=None):
"""Make an rpc-safe datetime with microseconds.
Note: tzinfo is stripped, but not required for relative times.
if not now:
now = utcnow()
return dict(, month=now.month, year=now.year, hour=now.hour,
minute=now.minute, second=now.second,
def unmarshall_time(tyme):
"""Unmarshall a datetime dict."""
return datetime.datetime(day=tyme['day'],
def delta_seconds(before, after):
"""Return the difference between two timing objects.
Compute the difference in seconds between two date, time, or
datetime objects (as a float, to microsecond resolution).
delta = after - before
return total_seconds(delta)
def total_seconds(delta):
"""Return the total seconds of datetime.timedelta object.
Compute total seconds of datetime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta
doesn't have method total_seconds in Python2.6, calculate it manually.
return delta.total_seconds()
except AttributeError:
return ((delta.days * 24 * 3600) + delta.seconds +
float(delta.microseconds) / (10 ** 6))
def is_soon(dt, window):
"""Determines if time is going to happen in the next window seconds.
:param dt: the time
:param window: minimum seconds to remain to consider the time not soon
:return: True if expiration is within the given duration
soon = (utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=window))
return normalize_time(dt) <= soon

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# The list of modules to copy from openstack-common # The list of modules to copy from openstack-common
module=apiclient.exceptions module=apiclient.exceptions
module=apiclient module=apiclient
# The base module to hold the copy of openstack.common # The base module to hold the copy of openstack.common