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  • Investigate the impact of node-create and node-delete on certain policies.
  • Implement a placement policy which supports cross-az/region node creation with a simple algorithm. [Xinhui, Qiming]
  • Implement a deletion policy that supports cross-az/region node deleting.



  • Revise the API for sorting, based on the following guideline:
  • According to the guidelines from API WG, we need to support page_reverse as a pagination parameter.
  • According to the proposal (, actions are to follow a guideline. We may need to revise our actions API and those related to asynchronous operations.
  • Add support to replace a cluster node with another node
  • Make object creation requests return code 202, since most creation are done asynchronously in Senlin.
  • Make object creation requests return a location header set to the URI of the resource to be created. This is a requirement from API WG.
  • API resource names should not include underscores. A guideline from API WG.
  • Add support to have Senlin API run under Apache.


  • The action data model is missing 'scheduled_start' and 'scheduled_stop' fields, we may need these fields for scheduled action execution.
  • Make Senlin DB operation project_safe/tenant_safe by default. [Yanyan Hu]
    • Add owner properties(project, user, domain) for profile;
    • Make all DB query project_safe by default;


  • Add configuration option to enforce name uniqueness. There are reasonable requirements for cluster/node names to be unique within a project. This should be supported, maybe with the help from a name generator? [Yanyan Hu]
  • Design and implement dynamical plugin loading mechanism that allows loading plugins from any paths
  • Provide support to oslo.notification and allow nodes to receive and react to those notifications accordingly. []
  • Allow actions to be paused and resumed. This is important for some background actions such as health checking
  • Add support to template_url for heat stack profile Note: if template and template_url are both specified, use template Need to refer to heat api test for testing heat profile
  • Revise start_action() in scheduler module so that it can handle cases when action_id specified is None. When action_id parameter is None, it means that the scheduler will pick a suitable READY action for execution.
  • Add event logs wherever needed. Before that, we need a design on the criteria for events to be emitted. [Partially done]


  • Add support to oslo_versionedobjects


  • Scaling policy allowng a cluster to scale to existing nodes
  • Health policy



  • Allow forced deletion of objects (cluster, node, policy, profile). The current problem is due to the limitations of the HTTP DELETE requests. We need to investigate whether a DELETE verb can carry query strings.


  • Add test case to engine/parser


  • Provide a sample conf file for customizing senlin options
  • Provide documentation for all policies