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Container Sharding

What is container sharding and why we need it

Put simply, sharding is the process of splitting up some data across more resources and that's what we are doing with the container metadata in Swift.

Swift's metadata layer (accounts and containers) is simply SQLite databases that are treated like any other object in swift, that is, they are replicated across the cluster. This keeps containers and accounts just as durable as any object and allows swift to scale in the number of accounts and containers. The problem is what happens when these SQLite databases get too big?

Let's take a step back. How do they become too big? Let's take a look at a container, and what an SQLite container holds:

  • Container level user metadata
  • Container level system metadata
  • Container level statistics
  • List of objects that belong in the container

The first types of data we store don't take up too much space, unless there is a huge amount of metadata stored in the container. So this isn't the problem. The problem is the last item. A container stores a list of the objects that live inside that container. It is this list that gets large.

We've seen containers containing millions and billions of objects. This simply pushes the limits of storing it in a single file. When they get large, writing to the SQLite files become slower due to write locks. Backend swift consistency daemons also take longer dealing with, or trying to update, such large files. This causes issues. So what we need to do is find a way of sharding away this object list. So the large SQLite file becomes many smaller ones distributed across the cluster, distributing not only the size but the load of update requests as well.

Sharding from a user's perspective

From the user's perspective, there is no need to know anything about how sharding happens. All a user needs to know is how to activate it on a container.

Like the rest of swift's API, a user can turn on sharding by sending a piece of metadata to the container in question. This allows a user to choose which containers are sharded at a container level. To turn on sharding, all a user has to do is send a X-Container-Sharding: on header via either a PUT or POST to the container:

curl -i -X POST -H 'X-Container-Sharding: on' \<account>/<container>

Or via the swift client:

swift post <container> -H 'X-Container-Sharding: on'

This process cannot be undone. Once turned on, the container will be sharded as required by the sharding daemon. The user will not notice anything else, they will only ever see the one container and as they interact with it, it will behave as normal. The visiting of sharded databases happens behind the scenes.

Once a container is sharded, the container stats, bytes_used and object_count will still be maintained in the container, but updated less often, so these values may lag a bit.

Sharding from an operator's perspective

From an operator's perspective sharding is a little more complicated. There is a container-sharder daemon that needs to be running on all the container servers. As well as a bunch of variables/knobs that can be set/tuned.

Because the container-sharder will run on the container servers, the sharder will use the container-server.conf as its configuration. So to configure the container-sharder you just need to add the container-sharder section to the config:

shard_container_size = 10000000
shard_scanner_batch_size = 10
shard_batch_size = 2
shard_shrink_point = 50
shard_shrink_merge_point = 75

Arguably these could all lose their shard* prefixes.

Firstly, swift will need to know what size a container must reach before it is ready for sharding. This is stored in a configuration item called shard_container_size. The size of the shard as well as the 2 shrink settings, above, are based of this value.

The shrink_point and shrink_merge_point settings, come into play when the sharder finds a container shard that is small enough to merge into a neighbour shard (shrink).

shard_shrink_point is what size, as a percentage of shard_container_size, the list of objects in a container shard should be before being deemed small enough to attempt to shrink.

shard_shrink_merge_point is the next step, once a container shard is small enough, this percentage of shard_container_size tells the sharder if the combined size of the the small container and its neighbour is small enough to complete the merge. To get more information, see the shrinking section below.

The 2 batch variables are used when sharding and to understand what they mean, an understanding of how the container-sharder-daemon works is required. But suffice it to say the scanner_batch_size is how many shard ranges a scanner will find on each cycle and the batch_size is how many shards to shard on each cycle.

Container sharding uses an instance of InternalClient <internal_client>. This requires a configuration file to be created as follows:

  1. Create a custom internal client configuration file (if one is not already in use) based on the sample file internal-client.conf-sample. For example, copy internal-client.conf-sample to /etc/swift/container-sharder-client.conf.

  2. Modify this file to set account_autocreate=True in the [app:proxy-server] section.

  3. Modify the [container-sharder] section of all container server config files to point to this internal client config file using the internal_client_conf_path option. For example:

    internal_client_conf_path = /etc/swift/container-sharder-client.conf

Overview of sharding in Swift

The basic and simplified idea is rather simple. Firstly, to enable container sharding, pass in a X-Container-Sharding: On X-Header via either PUT or POST to the container URL:

curl -i -H 'X-Auth-Token: <token>' -H  \
'X-Container-Sharding: On' <url>/<account>/<container> -X PUT

Sharding cannot be disabled once it has been enabled for a particular container.

If sharding has been enabled on a container that already exceeds shard_container_size then shard ranges are found to split the container on. If it is a very large container, then it will be split multiple times. If sharding is enabled on a smaller container then when that container reaches shard_container_size, a single pivot is found which will be used to split the container into 2 shard ranges. In this latter scenario, the container will only need to be split once, meaning sharding is more efficient the sooner it is activated.

Each split creates an additional container shard holding n objects, where n is defined by:

n = shard_container_size // 2

All new container shards exist in a separate account namespace based off the user's account, meaning the user will only ever see one container in their account namespace. This we call the root container. The sharded namespace is:


Words can only explain so far, so let's take a look at some diagrams.


When we have a large container we need to split, one would think the best way would be to split it in half. This works well when the container isn't too big. But finding the middle is actually pretty hard, especially in SQLite on very large containers <reference needed> where this doesn't scale. However, we don't get the same performance loss if we slice a smaller chunk off the front. So this is what we do. Turns out if we slice off 1/2 of shard_container_size then on containers that have sharding on and reach this size, we are effectively slicing in the middle. But large containers that have sharding turned on late will still shard. So slicing scales.

To really see what's happening lets take a very large container:


Here we have a container named 'cont' in an account named 'acct'. This container is large and will need to be sharded.

The sharding daemon will find it and search for shard ranges to split it on:


Here the sharder has found that object 'f' would be good for end/upper value of the first shard range. So we mark it. The sharder can then shard at this point:


At this point we'll pause for a moment, because now you can see that a shard is given a unique name and placed in a hidden account that maps to the account (.sharded_acct). This allows us to have no namespace collisions but also keeps all the shards out of view from users of the account. Continuing on, we can see that there is now a shard covering a range, and the root container has now also shrunk, if we continue sharding this root container, we simply continue searching for shard ranges and splitting:


Here we've found the end of the next range and then:


Now you can imagine we can continue snipping until we've fully sharded the container. When we get to the end, all objects will exist in the shards, leaving the root container only holding container metadata (user and system) and references to the shard containers. So we can find the objects.

That's the general idea of how we shard. But there is more to it than that.

Large container optimisations

When the sharder comes across a very large container, writes to the SQL database can be rather expensive. So we want to minimise writes. Eventual consistency also means deleting elements from the table will also be a write to the object table, as we need a delete marker added so other primaries can coalesce.

Further, a very large container in a sharding state is still large and has problems, so we really want to get into the sharded state as quickly as possible.


In the slicing example above, we would find 1 shard range and then shard it. This works well when sharding is turned on from the start, as you'll only ever need to make 1 slice. But on larger containers where more than 1 slice is required it just wont scale. The rule is we want to get to the sharded state as quickly as possible, so we need to speed things up, we need to shard in batches.

The sharder daemon lives on all the container servers. It will periodically scan all sharded containers to see if they need to be sharded. And if so, will try and shard. We wont tie up the sharder and shard a very large container in one go. Instead it will find shard ranges and/or shard in batches before moving to the next container. On the next run, it'll continue where it left off.

When a sharder finds a new range, it'll go create that shard, even though the new shard database would be empty, this allows any new ingress requests for that range to be redirected to the new shard. Taking load off the large container. So scanning may take time, but the sooner you find it, less load will be happening on the large container in question, in this case batching the search for shard ranges also makes a lot of sense.

The batch sizes are configurable through the scanner_batch_size and batch_size options of the container-sharder daemon.

Two databases, the read-only database

As alluded to earlier, writing to a large container is what we really want to avoid. Write locks on a very large container cause increased latency for the container servers. But eventual consistency and POSTs to the container mean we can't just stop writing. So what do we do?

We add another database, in place, then keep the big one as a read only source while we shard. Once we complete sharding we can simply unlink the old database freeing up space leaving only the second. This gives us 3 states that a container can be in:


  • UNSHARDED - There is just the standard container database, so all containers are by default in this state.
  • SHARDING - There are now 2 databases, the container database and a shard database. The shard database will store any metadata, container level stats, an object holding table, and a table that stores references to container shards.
  • SHARDED - There is only 1 database, the shard database. This state only exists for a root container, as by the time a container shard being sharded gets to this state, it'll be marked as deleted as all shard references exist in the root container.

So how does this work while sharding. Lets take a look:


Here we have a large container, cont, in a user account, acct. And this large container's database has to deal with all updates, be they PUTs, DELETEs or POSTs.

Being a really large database, the write locking would cause higher container latency. So what we really want to do is shard it. To do that we need to turn on sharding on the container 'cont'. Once this is done we wait for the container-sharder daemon on one of the primaries to find it, and then start to shard it.

We want to get this container to the SHARDED state as soon as possible, so we don't want to waste the time it'll take for all primaries to scan for shard ranges, instead we need to determine which primary would be the scanner node. So assuming 3x replication, the sharder will talk to the other 2 primaries and try and get a majority quorum on who this scanner will be.

The scanner's job is to find all the shard ranges, using its primary copy of the database. The other primaries will only shard on range as they are discovered, leaving them to continue to respond to ingress requests.

The sharder works very serially, meaning it deals with one container at a time before moving onto the next. In the future we should break this down to happen concurrently, but that isn't happening in version 1. This gives rise to a balancing act, we want to get to the SHARDED state as soon as possible, so we both search for and shard on ranges in batches.

The scanner node will start by searching for a number of shard ranges. Once it's found as much as it can it'll move to the SHARDING state, add the ranges to the shard_ranges table and go create these shard containers as empty containers. By creating these empty containers, we take load off the large container and they will start being responsible for ingress requests coming in for their respective ranges. The next picture will demonstrate this:


Here, the sharder has found 3 ranges ending in cat, giraffe and igloo. Because it's found them it has created the container shards which have already started dealing with ingress requests. These container shards are located in the .sharded_acct account, which is a hidden account that maps to the user's. Currently the container shards are empty and the actual data lies within the 'locked' container which is still yet to be sharded (moved to the shards).

The naming of the container shards is not in scope in this section, see shard_naming to find out the how and why.

Because the first 3 shards exist, they have already started taking load off the root container:

  • cont_0_1eeb237 is dealing with anything <= cat;
  • cont_0_dd8328f is dealing with anything > cat and <= giraffe;
  • cont_0_ac00c6a is dealing with anything > giraffe and <= igloo;
  • Finally the shard database has an object holding table and is dealing with anything > igloo.

As you can see, the large container is not being written to. This means until it's fully sharded we never need to write to it again. Further, as the scanner node finds more and more ranges, the root container will deal with fewer and fewer ingress requests.

The shard database will now deal will all other writes meant for the container being sharded, any user or system metadata updates, a place to store replication syncs, and maintain container level statistics.

The scanner node, on each sharder cycle will find scanner_batch_size more ranges. Once it's found them all then it'll finally start sharding itself.

Now we'll imagine one of the other primary nodes, one that wont be the scanner, has a turn:


It'll know the list of currently found ranges because container replication will pass the found ranges around to all the primaries. It sees that there are ranges in the container to shard on, so it'll need to shard. Next, if its copy of the database isn't in the SHARDING state then it'll first switch into that state. And then it shards.

The blue line represents where the sharding is up to, red are unsharded ranges (or found ranges). Each primary node keeps track of where it's up to, so it can continue where it left off in next and subsequent sharder cycles.

Sharding itself is rather straight forward:

  1. Create an empty container database in a handoff location locally.
  2. Insert all the stale data from the locked (large) database.
  3. Check the range databases object holding table to see if there is anything there that is related and merge it into the handoff database.
  4. Use container replication to push it to the container shard primaries.
  5. The shard's primary will get the database and merge it with any more-recent data it has.


This image just demonstrates that the process continues. The sharder is now sharding the next range. While the scanner node is still searching for ranges. See we have new one 'linux'. Now the root container only needs to deal with requests dealing with objects whose name is greater than linux. So load will continue to diminish.

Now this will continue until we get to the SHARDED state:


Once we have found the last pivot, the last shard range will be from that pivot point to the end, so greater than 'linux' (> linux)

And we can see all ingress request load goes to the container shards. The root container will always remain as we need a place to store container level statistics, a reference to shards, and container level metadata.

This was an example of sharding a root container. However as container shards grow, the same thing happens to them except for one small difference. We don't keep the sharded container around. The references to shards are in the root container only, so a container shard once it hits the SHARDED state, can be deleted.

Sharding: Under the hood


Name Description

Root container

The original container that lives in the user's account. It holds references to all its shard containers and non-sharding container level metadata.

Shard container

A container that holds sharded data, and lives in a hidden account mirroring the user's account.


A point in the object name namespace to split the object metadata at.

Shard range The range of objects a shard container holds.

Misplaced items

Items that don't belong in the current container shard or root container. These will be moved by the container-sharder.

Container Backend and sharding

shard_ranges table

A new table has been added to the container SQLite database, this table is called shard_ranges. It stores reference to the shards. This table will be created on existing databases when first requested.

The table schema is:

CREATE TABLE shard_ranges (
    name TEXT,
    lower TEXT,
    upper TEXT,
    object_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    bytes_used INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    created_at TEXT,
    meta_timestamp TEXT,
    deleted INTEGER DEFAULT 0

You'll notice there are two timestamps, the created_at will track when it was created or when something major happens like a smaller shard gets merged into it. The meta_timestamp is updated when the stats are updated. And helps when merging out of sync containers.

Container DB states

The container backend now maintains a db_state. A new method get_db_state() has been added and an int will be returned which will indicate the state of the container. These response ints are represented by:


The get_db_state() method checks to see what SQLite databases exist in the directory:

  • UNSHARDED - only the standard container database (<hash>.db).
  • SHARDING - both the standard container database and a shard one (<hash>.db and <hash>_shard.db).
  • SHARDED - only the shard database (<hash>_shard.db).

To move through the states there are some methods that do the work.


This method:

  • Creates the shard database
  • Moves the current state of the read-only database's metadata over:
  • Move any defined shard_ranges across, this can happen when not the scanner node and shard ranges come across via replication.
  • Sync the replication sync points, so replication can continue.
  • And to make the replication life easier set the rowid of object table in the shard database to match that of where the read-only database was up to, so it can continue where it left off. This makes continuing to replicate over the boundary of old and new databases much simpler.


This is much simpler, it unlinks the old read-only database, but first checks that you must be in the sharding state.


  • We probably need to add checks to make sure we are ready to unlink. i.e check to see that sharding is complete.

The ShardRange class

When we store shard ranges, other than metadata and name, we only really store the lower and upper bounds to describe the range. So the ShardRange class was created to make interactions between ranges easier.

The class is pretty basic, it stores the timestamps, stats, lower and upper values. The _contains, _lt, _gt, iter and _eq methods have been overridden so it can do checks against a string or another ShardRange.

The class also contains some extra helper methods:

  • newer(other) - is it newer than another range.
  • overlaps(other) - does this range overlap another range.

The ShardRange class lives in swift.common.utils, and there are some other helper methods there that are used:

  • find_shard_range(item, ranges) - Finds what range from a list of ranges that an item belongs to.
  • shard_to_shard_container(...) - Given a root container and account or a ShardRange, generate the required sharded name.
  • account_to_shard_account(account) - Generate the sharded account from the given account. This is where the name of shard account that shadows the user account comes from:
def account_to_shard_account(account):
  if not account:
      return account
  return ".sharded_%s" % account

Getting ShardRanges

There are two ways of getting a list of ShardRanges and it depends on where you are in swift. The easiest and most obvious way is to use a new method in the ContainerBroker get_shard_ranges().

The second is to ask the container for a list of shard ranges rather than objects. This is done with a GET to the container server, but with the items=shard parameter set:

GET /acc/cont?items=shard&format=json

You can then build a list of shardRange objects. An example of how this is done can be seen in the _get_shard_ranges method in the container sharder daemon.

Replication and replicating shard ranges

The container-replicator (and db_replicator as required) has been updated to replicate and sync the shard_range table.

Swift is eventually consistent, meaning at some point we will have an unsharded version of a container replicated with a sharded one, and being eventually consistent, some of the objects in the unsharded one might actually exist and need to be merged into a different shard. The sharded container holds all its objects in the leaves, leaving the root containers object table as an object holding table. In this case the objects can be synced into the root container's holding table, and we can simply let the sharder pick them up and move them the shards themselves.

pending and merge_items

The merge_items method in the container/backend.py has been modified to be shard range aware. That is to say, the list of items passed to it can now contain a mix of objects and shard ranges. A new flag has been added to the pending/pickle file format called record_type, which defaults to RECORD_TYPE_OBJECT in existing pickle/pending files when unpickled. Merge_items will sort into 2 different lists based on the record_type, then insert, update, or delete the required tables accordingly.

Container replication changes

Because swift is an eventually consistent system, we need to make sure that when container databases are replicated, this doesnt only replicate items in the objects table, but also the ranges in the shard_ranges table as well. Most of the database replication code is a part of the db_replicator which is a parent, and so shared by account and container replication. Because of this, an _other_items_hook(broker) hook has been added and the container replicator uses this hook to grab the items from the shard_range table and return in the items format ready to be passed into merge_items.

There is a caveat however, which is that currently the hook grabs all the objects from the shard_ranges table on every replication.

_rsync{db,file} and rpc complete_rsync changes

When we're in a SHARDING state, we have a problem. We now have to send 2 database files instead of 1. So now we need to:

  • Send the filenames we will be rsyncing over, we send these as options to the rpc call.

  • rsync both databases across, by naming them as:

  • The rpc replication end can then find both files and rename them to their correct names.

We are doing this, even if there is only 1 file sent, because on a rebalance a sharded root container could be moved to the new priamry. And this needs to maintain the <hash>_shard.db name.


The container-sharder daemon runs on the all the container servers, looks at each container that has either had sharding enabled or is a container shard, and will maintain all sharding aspects of it. It inherits from the container-replicator making it a specialised replicator and uses container-replication to move shard data around the cluster.


The container-sharder will run on all container-server nodes. At an interval, it will parse all sharded containers. On each it:

  • Audits the container
  • Deals with any misplaced items. That is items that should belong in a different range container.
  • Checks the size of the container, when we do, one of the following happens:
    • If the container is big enough:
      • If the node is the scanner node, search for ranges or start sharding. If scanner isn't defined it'll use group election to choose one.
      • If the node isn't the scanner and ranges are defined then start splitting on ranges.
    • If the container is small enough then it will shrink it.
    • If the container isnt too big or small, just leave it.
  • Finally the containers object_count and bytes_used is sent to the root containers shard_ranges table.

Scanning for ranges and sharding is done in batches, so the sharding daemon doesn't spend too much time on one particular container. Sharding is rather complicated, so we go into more detail below.

Shrinking, going the other way, is in fact a two phase process, and is also in covered in more detail below.


The sharder performs a basic audit which simply makes sure the current shards range exists in the roots shard_ranges table. If it's the root container, check to see if there are any overlapping or missing ranges.

If a container is missing from the root container's ranges then we need to decide what to do. If there is another range that overlaps it and that overlapping range is newer, then we can probably quarantine/delete the container, noting that if a deleted container has object data then the sharder will deal with them as misplaced objects.

The audit will also deal with any .sharding lock files that are stale due to a container-sharder process hung/stalled/killed during a shard so it isn't cleaned up. This way replication can happen on these containers.


  • If the container happens to be newer, then what? Maybe the update is still pending on the container, do we wait a certain amount of time?
  • Maybe if there are .sharding lock files older than reclaim_age we can say they are stale (that is to say if we speed up sharding by making it multi-process. ATM it's serial so would be easy to spot).

Misplaced items

A misplaced object is an object that is in the wrong shard. If its a deleted shard (a shard that has shrunk, or been sharded), then anything in the object table is misplaced and needs to be dealt with. On other nodes, a quick SQL statement is enough to find out all the objects that are on the wrong side of the shard range in question.

A root container that is fully sharded, so in the SHARDED state. Has an object holding table. Any objects in this table are considered misplaced, and data is moved to the correct shard. This holding table can get filled, usually due to replication syncs with nodes that haven't been sharded yet. But other tools could in the future place items in there when they don't know where they should belong.

The sharder uses the container-reconciler/replicators approach of creating a container database locally in a handoff partition, loading it up, and then using replication to push it over to where it needs to go.

Scanner node

To get us from the UNSHARDED to the SHARDED state as quickly as possible, we don't want all primary nodes scanning for ranges. Instead we choose one node to be the scanner node, whose job it'll be to scan itself for shard ranges. This leaves the other nodes to respond to requests and only worry about sharding when their sharder gets to it.

To determine who is the scanner node, we ask for a simple majority quorum from all the primaries and whoever has the biggest object table will win and become the scanner. The node id is written to the metadata of the container.

The scanner node will look at the defined scanner_batch_size and find that many (at maximum) pivots/ranges. Once it's found some ranges, it'll ask for a majority quorum again to make sure it is still the scanner, and if so will write the found ranges to the shard_ranges table. The other nodes will get these ranges via container replication.

Once the scanner node has found all ranges, it'll set some metadata to say it has:


This way the other nodes will know when they've finished sharding. And then it'll start sharding itself.


  • Currently there is no check to see if the current scanner has stalled, died or been decommissioned. We should do something about that.

Sharding a container

If the node isn't the scanner, or if the scanner has finished scanning, then it's time to shard. If the node is not the scanner and it's the first time to shard, the database could still be in the UNSHARDED state, it will stay in this state and no sharding will happen until there is something in the shard_ranges table. As soon as there is, it can set_sharding_state().

If this isn't the first time sharding, there will be a piece of metadata telling the node where it's up to:

X-Container-Sysmeta-Shard-Last-<node_id>: <pivot or shard_range.upper>

Like the scanner, we want to get to the SHARDED state as quickly as possible, so it's also sharding in batches, this is defined by batch_size. So for each shard range up to batch_size, either starting from the beginning or where we left off, we:

  1. Create a new container database locally in the handoff location.
  2. Set the sharding lock on it.
  3. Fill it up with the records for the shard range from the read-only database.
  4. Update it with any related data from the shard database object holding table.
  5. Remove the sharding lock.
  6. Use container replication to push it to container shard.
  7. Update the container Shard-Last-<node_id> metadata.

If we finish the last range, which we know if the scanner has set the metadata, then we can unset this Shard-Last-<node_id> metadata and instead can mark it as SHARDED.

The root container stores all container metadata, leaving the shards to only need to hold sharding specific metadata. So every container shard will have the following sysmeta:

  • shard-account - Points to the root account
  • shard-container - Points to the root container
  • shard-lower - Lower range
  • shard-upper - Upper range
  • shard-timestamp - shard range metadata information when it's created.
  • shard-meta-timestamp - shard range metadata information when it's created.
  • sharding - exists or is True only during sharding. This stops the sharding daemon to pick up empty container shards and shrink them back into neighbours.


  • Both the root account and root container name could be inferred from the shards path, so these could be removed.
  • The timestamp metadata might be able to be cleaned up to. Can't remember why its there.
  • The sharding metadata is currently stopping the daemon from shrinking with small containers. But we have a sharding lock now so maybe we should just use that instead. But how do we activate it and clean it? Or maybe we just need to introduce a time in which the containers can't be involved in a shrink after sharding. This could be a use of the timestamps above.

The .sharding lock

While doing some testing on a really large container database an interesting problem was stumbled upon. When the sharding container is really large, the latency for sharding is slow, like everything else. This leads to a situation where the sharded container isn't fully populated before a container replicator finds it and replicates it where it's suppose to go. At first this doesn't sound too bad.. but there are two problems with this:

  1. Due to the way we currently shard, that is create a new broker in a handoff node then replicate, the new shard container may not exist anywhere else yet, so if a container-replicator picks it up while still sharding it'll happily rsync_then_merge. But this means when the sharding has finally completed there is a high chance the replicator will then use usync, and that means it could stick around on the handoff node for a long time. This isn't very efficient.
  2. Worse still if the replicator grabs a smaller shard before it's finished, it will get to its final destinations on other storage nodes, and then when that node's sharder picks it up it may want to shrink it into a neighbour.

As you can imagine, 2 is a pain and can give rise to some interesting problems or even loops. To solve this problem, the addition of a sharding lock has been introduced. It is simply a .sharding file that gets dropped in the container directory and removed when done. Replicators will now simply skip over a container with a .sharding lock.

The sharding lock is implemented as a context managed function of the ContainerBroker class:

def sharding_lock(self):
    lockpath = '%s/.sharding' % self.db_dir
        fd = os.open(lockpath, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT)
        yield fd

def has_sharding_lock(self):
    lockpath = '%s/.sharding' % self.db_dir
    return os.path.exists(lockpath)

As mentioned earlier, care will need to be given when dealing with stale locks, that will be a part of the sharders job.

Naming a shard container

When we create a shard container we need to think of a name, and it should be a name that doesnt have any chance of name collisions in the future. Currently the naming is done by:

md5sum = md5()
md5sum.update("%s-%s" % (pivot, timestamp))
return "%s-%d-%s" % (container, node_id, md5sum.hexdigest())

So looks something like:

<container>-<node_id>-<MD5 of pivot + timestamp>

In the old versions wed put the pivot in the name, this though had the side effect of potentially being reused on a very unlikely edge case, but more importantly would mean the size of the container name could easily get too large (depending on the pivot object's name). The MD5 helps keep the container name to a consistent size.


  • The addition of the node id just tells us which node was the scanner, so which node created it. This information isn't really used anywhere so could be dropped.
  • Or maybe there is a better naming scheme we could use?


Turns out shrinking (merging containers back when they get too small) is even more complicated than sharding.

When sharding, we at least have all the objects that need to shard all on the container server we were on. When shrinking, we need to find a range neighbour that most likely lives somewhere else.

So how do we get around this? At the moment its another 2 phase process.

Shrinking happens during the sharding cycle loop. If a container has too few items then the sharder will look into the possibility of shrinking the container. Which starts at phase 1:

Phase 1:

  1. Find out if the container really has few enough objects: that is a majority quorum of counts from all the primary nodes below the threshold (see below).
  2. If there are few enough objects then check the neighbours to see if its possible to shrink/merge together, again this requires getting a quorum.
  3. If all comes back successful set some metadata on the 2 containers to mark intention and so to stop other things shrinking or sharding into the neighbour. The metadata set is:
X-Container-Sysmeta-Shard-Merge: <neighbour>
X-Container-Sysmeta-Shard-Shrink: <this container>

Phase 2:

  1. Make sure we still have quorum on who the shrink and merge containers are.
  2. Make an empty merge container in a handoff node, and set .sharding lock.
  3. Move shrink items into the merge container.
  4. Unlock .sharding lock and replicate containers. Updating the new lower/upper metadata in the merge container and updating the root container.
  5. Delete the Shrink container.

Shrinking - small enough

OK, so thats all good and fine, but what is small enough, both from the container and small enough neighbour?

Shrinking has added two new configuration parameters to the container-sharder config section:

  1. shard_shrink_point - percentage of shard_container_size that a container is deemed small enough to try and shrink. Default is 50%.
  2. shard_shrink_merge_point - percentage of shard_container_size that a container will need to be below after the two containers have merged. Default is 75%.

The idea is, taking the defaults, when a container gets < 50% of shard_container_size, then the sharder will look to see if there are any neighbours that when its object count added to itself is < 75% of shard_container_size then merge with it. If it cant find a neighbour that will be < 75% then we cant shrink and the container will have to stay as it is.

If both neighbours are small enough to merge into, then we always pick the smallest.


  • After discussions with notmyname at LCA we might want to lower this to something really small, like 5%.

Updating Stats

As you would expect, if we simply did a HEAD of the root container. The bytes_used and object_count stats would come back at 0 or close to it. This is because when sharded the root container doesnt have any or has very few objects in its objects table, as theyve been sharded away.

A very slow and expensive approach to get the right stats is propagating the HEAD to every container shard and then collating the results. This is very expensive. So instead, the solution is to update the counts every now and again. Because we are dealing with container shards that are also replicated, there are a lot of counts out there to take into account, and this gets complicated when they all need to update a single count in the root container.

This is why the shard_ranges table now also stores the current count and bytes_used for each range, as each range represents a sharded container, we now have a place to update individually:

CREATE TABLE shard_ranges (
    object_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    bytes_used INTEGER DEFAULT 0,

When we container HEAD the root container all we need to do is sum up the columns. This is what the ContainerBrokers get_shard_usage method does with a simple SQL statement:

SELECT sum(object_count), sum(bytes_used)
FROM shard_ranges
WHERE deleted=0;

Some work has been done to be able to update these pivot_ranges so the stats can be updated. You can now update them through a simple PUT or DELETE via the container-server API. The shard range API allows you to send a PUT/DELETE request with some headers to update the shard range, these headers are:

  • x-backend-record-type - which must be RECORD_TYPE_SHARD_NODE, otherwise itll be treated as an object.
  • x-backend-shard-objects - The object count, which can be prefixed with a - or
    • (More on this next).
  • x-backend-shard-bytes - The bytes used of the range, again can be prefixed with - or +.
  • x-backend-shard-lower - The lower range.
  • x-backend-shard-upper - The upper range.

Note: We use x-backend-* headers because these should only be used by swifts backend.

The name of the object in the request would be the name of the shard range container.

The objects and bytes can optionally be prefixed with - or +. When they do they effect the count accordingly. For example, if we want to define a new value for the number of objects then we can:

x-backend-shard-objects: 100

This will set the number for the object_count stat for the range to 100. The sharder sets the new count and bytes like this during each cycle to reflect the current state of the world, seeing it knows best at the time. The API however allows a request of:

x-backend-shard-object: +1

This would increment the current value. In this case it would make the new value 101. A - will decrement.

The idea behind this is if an operator wants to sacrifice more requests in the cluster with more up-to-date stats, we could get the object-updaters and object-servers to send a + or - once an object is added or deleted. The sharder would correct the count if it gets slightly out of sync.

The merge_items method in the ContainerBroker can merge prefixed requests together (+2 etc) if required. However although currently implemented, it isn't used anywhere in swift at the moment.


  • The increment/decrement API was just an idea, and we could remove this functionality simplifying the shard merge items code.

Container Updates and 300 redirects

When a new object PUT or DELETE comes in to the proxy, if the root container has sharding enabled, then 2 additional headers are passed to the object servers that will do the container update:

  • X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Backend-Shard-Account
  • X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Backend-Shard-Container

The nodes metadata that the object-server will use to know what container servers to update we be the shards. We leave the current Account and Container data as is, as the object-updater may need to know the root container to get a new shard if the container is further sharded while sitting on disk as an async pending.

As the object-server doesn't talk to rings, it can only attempt to talk to the given nodes. So if the object-server fails to update the container server, it'll be dropped as async pending.

On the container server side, if it gets a PUT to sharded container, and it doesn't belong here, it'll respond with a 301 redirect. The object-server will see this as a failure.

The object-updater on the other hand is a different beast. It does have access to the rings, so it'll receive a 301 and be able to redirect to the correct container shard. If the updater still fails to update the new shard then the new shard account and container are added to the async file, so it can continue where it left off next time. On the edge case that a redirect loop could be introduced, the updater will only redirect twice before giving up until the next round.

Container GET

Object listing when we are in one of the two new states, SHARDING and SHARDED, is a little more complicated.

To start with, the proxy does the hard work, which makes sense because it has all the smarts on how to talk to nodes and has access to the container ring. When a container GET of a sharded root container comes into the proxy, it'll send json GET requests to the containers in question and then build up the response and send it back to the user.

It first needs to send a request to the root container asking for either all the shard ranges or all the shard ranges responsible responding to the request, if marker and/or end-marker is given.

The container-server API has grown a way of asking for shard_ranges rather than objects:

GET <account>/<container>?items=shard&format=json

If the marker, 'end_marker' is included, the container-server is smart enough to only return the shard ranges needed.

Now let's take a look at the new states to see how this works. We'll start with SHARDED because that's an easier case.



The collection of objects happens in the proxy. In the diagram above we can see the container GET request is asking for objects that extend over a shard range boundary, so lets follow the numbers:

  1. The request comes into the proxy. The request must have at least a marker, and also perhaps and end_marker.
  2. The proxy will ask the root container for a list of shard ranges (shards) that are responsible for the range in the initial request. This could be something like:
GET acc/cont?items=shard&format=json&marker=frog&end_marker=hermit
  1. The proxy now has references to cont_0_dd8328f and cont_0_ac00c6a, so sends the request to the former first.
  2. Then sends the request to the next container, adjusting the limit.
  3. It merges the results, formats them in the format the initial request requested and sends back the response.



The sharding example is a little more complicated. As such, we've simplified the incoming request. This time the range of the request fits into only one range.

Like in the earlier diagrams, the blue lines indicate where the sharding is up to, so in the above diagram we are asking for a range that hasn't been sharded yet. This is on purpose, as if we did ask from something inside a blue range, it'll be exactly like a sharded GET.

So let's follow the numbers again:

  1. Like before the request comes into the proxy and this time the marker must put it after 'igloo'.
  2. The proxy can see in container info that the container is sharding and where it's up to. It asks for the shard ranges, if there are any, and then sends a GET request to the root container.
  3. The root container, knowing that is hasn't sharded that area yet will ask the read-only database for the response, then ask the shard database's object holding table for the same response and merges the answers together and returns the response to the proxy.
  4. The proxy then asks the container shard, cont_0_84329c7, for what it has. This container shard would be mostly empty but will have any new ingress changes.
  5. Like before the proxy will merge all these responses and sends a response.

When asking the container shard and the object holding table we need to include deleted markers because objects in the read-only database are stale and an ingress request might have deleted an object. The container backend now excepts an 'include_deleted' to allow for this:

GET <account>/<container>?items=all

Container PUT

As with container GET, the proxy is shard aware. When a container PUT comes in with an object, the proxy can just ask what shard range should handle this request. In the PUT situation the proxy will again send a shard GET to the container server, but this time add the object as well:

GET <account>/<container>/<object>?items=shard&format=json

The response will be a single range, the range responsible for holding this object.

Container DELETE

Deletes are pretty straightforward:

  1. Receive a DELETE
  2. Before applying to the root container, go apply to shards.
  3. If all succeed then delete the root container.

But there is a problem, what happens if a shard returns a 409?


Currently when a container DELETE is received, Swift will return a 409 (HTTPConflict) if the container isn't empty. That is to say if there is something in the object table.

This is more problematic on sharded containers. As mentioned earlier, a DELETE request is received by a container-server. Before applying it the root container, it will first issue the DELETE request to all shard containers. Say we get to the 6th container shard, and it still has an object. It'll return a 409, which we then can return as a response. However what happens to the first 5 container shards that are now marked as deleted?


  • What to do in this situation?
  • There are some options, and these are by no means the only options:
  1. Send a container PUT with the required metadata to create each container shard. But this involves extra requests to correct itself.
  2. Make the container-server more shard aware and create missing containers.
  • Now that the object counts are stored in the root container for each container shard this might be less of a problem, because we can always check with the root container first. However what if those values lag?