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Support VNFM for AutoHeal and AutoScale with External Monitoring Tools


Problem description

Zed release supported Fault Management / Performance Management (FM/PM) interfaces, and AutoHeal and AutoScale with External Monitoring Tools1. However, Heal or Scale execution must be triggered by NFVO.

This spec provides some implementations for supporting receiving alerts from External Monitoring Tools and VNFM(tacker)-driven AutoHeal and AutoScale without NFVO. This implementation only supports VNF and CNF instantiated through Tacker's v2 API.

Proposed change

The following changes are needed:

  1. Add AutoHeal RESTful API to receive alerts sent from External Monitoring Tool.
    • POST /alert/auto_healing
  2. Modify AutoScale RESTful API to receive alerts sent from External Monitoring Tool.
    • POST /alert/auto_scaling
  3. Add fields in config file to determine if AutoHeal should be triggered or not.


The External Monitoring Tool is a monitoring service. That is not included in Tacker. Operators implement the External Monitoring Tool. The External Monitoring Tool uses metrics service such as Prometheus and triggers AutoHeal and AutoScale events using the Prometheus Plugin interface.

Prometheus Plugin

The Prometheus Plugin is a sample implementation that operates Prometheus specific function. In this spec, there are two APIs in the Prometheus Plugin for receiving requests sent by Prometheus, and then calling Tacker's Heal or Scale interfaces.

The Prometheus Plugin is an optional feature. The AutoHeal and AutoScale APIs can be enabled in tacker.conf.

auto_healing = True
auto_scaling = True

Triggering of AutoHeal

When the External Monitoring Tool detects the VNF or CNF resource failure or problem, it will send an alert message to Tacker. Tacker receives the alert and validates it. Then Tacker calls the internal Heal function for the resource. Use this Heal method to repair the failure and problem of VNF or CNF resources.

Design of Heal operation

The following is a schematic diagram of Heal:

|                                                                     VNFM |
|  +------------------------+  +----------------------------+              |
|  |                 Tacker |  |                  Tacker    |              |
|  |                 Server |  |                  Conductor |              |
+----------------+          |  |                        |  |                            |              |
|  External      | 2. POST  |  |         3. Check parameters and confirm vnfc_info_id   |              |
|  Monitoring    |    alert |  |  +------------+        |  |                            |  +--------+  |
|  Tool          +----------------> Prometheus +-------------------------------------------> Tacker |  |
|  (based on     |          |  |  | Plugin     |        |  |                            |  | DB     |  |
|   Prometheus)  |          |  |  +------+-----+        |  |                            |  +--------+  |
+--+-------------+          |  |         | 4. Heal      |  |                            |              |
| 1. Collect metrics     |  |         |              |  |                            |              |
|                        |  |  +------v-----+        |  |  +---------------+         |              |
|                        |  |  | Vnflcm     +--------------> Vnflcm Driver +--+      |              |
|                        |  |  | Controller |        |  |  +---------------+  |      |              |
|                        |  |  +------------+        |  |           +---------v--+   |              |
|                        |  |                        |  |           | Infra      +--------------+   |
|                        |  |                        |  |           | Driver     |   |          |   |
|                        |  |                        |  |           +------------+   |          |   |
|                        |  +------------------------+  +----------------------------+          |   |
|                        +----------------------------------------------------------------------|---+
|                                                                                               |
|                        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                        |                                                      Kubernetes |    |
|                        |                  +---------------+-----------------------------------+
|                        | 5. Delete failed |               | 6. Create new Pod            |    |
|                        |    Pod           |               |                              |    |
|                        |         +--------v----+   +------v------+    +-------------+    |    |
|                        |         | +--------+  |   | +--------+  |    |             |    |    |
+----------------------------------> | Pod    |  |   | | Pod    |  |    |             |    |    |
|                        |         | +--------+  |   | +--------+  |    |             |    |    |
|                        |         |      Worker |   |      Worker |    |      Master |    |    |
|                        |         +-------------+   +-------------+    +-------------+    |    |
|                        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                                                                                               |
|                        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                        |                                                       OpenStack |    |
|                        |                  +---------------+-----------------------------------+
|                        | 5. Delete failed |               | 6. Create new VM             |
|                        |    VM            |               |                              |
|                        |         +--------v----+   +------v------+    +-------------+    |
|                        |         | +--------+  |   | +--------+  |    |             |    |
+----------------------------------> | VM     |  |   | | VM     |  |    |             |    |
|         | +--------+  |   | +--------+  |    |             |    |
|         |    Compute  |   |    Compute  |    |  Controller |    |
|         +-------------+   +-------------+    +-------------+    |
  1. External Monitoring Tool collects metrics and decides whether triggering alert is needed or not.
  2. External Monitoring Tool sends POST request to /alert/auto_healing.
  3. Prometheus Plugin receives the alert request and validates its content. Then it confirms that the vnfc_info_id in the alert request exists in the DB.
  4. Heal operation is triggered.
  5. The specified VM or Pod is deleted.
  6. New VM or Pod is created.

Request parameters for operation

The detail of API is described at REST API impact.

Sequence for operation

The following describes the processing flow of the Tacker after the External Monitoring Tool sends the alert.

seqdiag {

node_width = 150; edge_length = 160;

"External Monitoring Tool" "Prometheus Plugin" "Vnflcm Controller" "Vnflcm Driver" "Tacker DB"

"External Monitoring Tool" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "1. POST /alert/auto_healing"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "2. Check if this API is enabled in Prometheus Plugin"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "3. Check the status of the received alert"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "4. Check if this alert is for AutoHeal"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Tacker DB"

[label = "5. Find the corresponding resource from the DB"];

"Prometheus Plugin" <-- "Tacker DB"

[label = "vnf_instance"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "6. Check whether the resource has AutoHeal enabled"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "7. Check vnfc_info_id in vnf_instance"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Vnflcm Controller"

[label = "8. Call the internal Heal function"];

"Vnflcm Controller" -> "Vnflcm Driver"

[label = "9. Trigger asynchronous task", note = "The same with the default Heal operation"];

"Prometheus Plugin" <-- "Vnflcm Controller"

[label = "Response 202 Accepted"];

"External Monitoring Tool" <-- "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "Response 204 No Content"];


  1. As an External Monitoring Tool, Prometheus monitors specified resources through user-defined rules. When the data monitored by Prometheus matches the conditions of the rule, Prometheus will send an alert to Tacker.
  2. After Tacker receives the alert, Prometheus Plugin first checks that the value of the auto_healing field in tacker.conf is True. If not, the process is terminated.
  3. Prometheus Plugin checks that the value of the status field in alert is firing. If not, the process is terminated.
  4. Prometheus Plugin checks that the value of the function_type field in alert is auto_heal. If not, the process is terminated.
  5. According to the value of vnf_instance_id in the label in the alert, Prometheus Plugin gets the corresponding vnf_instance from the DB.
  6. Prometheus Plugin checks that the key of isAutohealEnabled exists in vnf_instance.vnfConfigurableProperties and its value is True. If not, the process is terminated.
  7. Prometheus Plugin checks that the value of vnfc_info_id in the alert request exists in vnf_instance.vnfc_info.
  8. According to the values of vnf_instance_id and vnfc_info_id, Prometheus Plugin calls the internal Heal function of vnflcm.
  9. From this step, it is completely the same with the default Heal operation.


The default Heal operation is all = False and specified VNFC instances are healed. When all = True is set, specified VNFC instances and storage resources are healed.


When multiple alerts occur, the alerts should be aggregated or filtered. This implementation will prevent repeated heal operations.

Triggering of AutoScale

When the External Monitoring Tool detects that the CPU, memory, disk and other resources of the VNF or CNF are underloaded or overloaded, it will send an alert message to Tacker. Tacker receives the alert and validates it. Then Tacker calls the internal Scale function for the resource. Use this Scale method to balance underloaded or overloaded VNF or CNF resources.

Design of Scale operation

The following is a schematic diagram of Scale:

|                                                                     VNFM |
|  +------------------------+  +----------------------------+              |
|  |                 Tacker |  |                  Tacker    |              |
|  |                 Server |  |                  Conductor |              |
+----------------+          |  |                        |  |                            |              |
|  External      | 2. POST  |  |         3. Check parameters and confirm aspect_id      |              |
|  Monitoring    |    alert |  |  +------------+        |  |                            |  +--------+  |
|  Tool          +----------------> Prometheus +-------------------------------------------> Tacker |  |
|  (based on     |          |  |  | Plugin     |        |  |                            |  | DB     |  |
|   Prometheus)  |          |  |  +------+-----+        |  |                            |  +--------+  |
+--+-------------+          |  |         | 4. Scale     |  |                            |              |
| 1. Collect metrics     |  |         |              |  |                            |              |
|                        |  |  +------v-----+        |  |  +---------------+         |              |
|                        |  |  | Vnflcm     +--------------> Vnflcm Driver +--+      |              |
|                        |  |  | Controller |        |  |  +---------------+  |      |              |
|                        |  |  +------------+        |  |           +---------v--+   |              |
|                        |  |                        |  |           | Infra      +--------------+   |
|                        |  |                        |  |           | Driver     |   |          |   |
|                        |  |                        |  |           +------------+   |          |   |
|                        |  +------------------------+  +----------------------------+          |   |
|                        +----------------------------------------------------------------------|---+
|                                                                                               |
|                        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                        |                                                      Kubernetes |    |
|                        |                  +---------------+-----------------------------------+
|                        |                  |               | 5. Create or Delete Pod      |    |
|                        |                  |               |                              |    |
|                        |         +--------v----+   +------v------+    +-------------+    |    |
|                        |         | +--------+  |   | +--------+  |    |             |    |    |
+----------------------------------> | Pod    |  |   | | Pod    |  |    |             |    |    |
|                        |         | +--------+  |   | +--------+  |    |             |    |    |
|                        |         |      Worker |   |      Worker |    |      Master |    |    |
|                        |         +-------------+   +-------------+    +-------------+    |    |
|                        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                                                                                               |
|                        +-----------------------------------------------------------------+    |
|                        |                                                       OpenStack |    |
|                        |                  +---------------+-----------------------------------+
|                        |                  |               | 5. Create or Delete VM       |
|                        |                  |               |                              |
|                        |         +--------v----+   +------v------+    +-------------+    |
|                        |         | +--------+  |   | +--------+  |    |             |    |
+----------------------------------> | VM     |  |   | | VM     |  |    |             |    |
|         | +--------+  |   | +--------+  |    |             |    |
|         |    Compute  |   |    Compute  |    |  Controller |    |
|         +-------------+   +-------------+    +-------------+    |
  1. External Monitoring Tool collects metrics and decides whether triggering alert is needed or not.
  2. External Monitoring Tool sends POST request to /alert/auto_scaling.
  3. Prometheus Plugin receives the alert request and validates its content. Then it confirms that the aspect_id in the alert request exists in the DB.
  4. Scale out/in operations are triggered.
  5. There are two types of Scale processing:
    • If the Scale out operation is triggered, the VM or Pod in the corresponding VDU is created.
    • If the Scale in operation is triggered, the VM or Pod in the corresponding VDU is deleted.

Request parameters for operation

The detail of API is described at REST API impact.

Sequence for operation

The following describes the processing flow of the Tacker after the External Monitoring Tool sends the alert.

seqdiag {

node_width = 150; edge_length = 160;

"External Monitoring Tool" "Prometheus Plugin" "Vnflcm Controller" "Vnflcm Driver" "Tacker DB"

"External Monitoring Tool" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "1. POST /alert/auto_scaling"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "2. Check if this API is enabled in Prometheus Plugin"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "3. Check the status of the received alert"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "4. Check if this alert is for AutoScale"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "5. Check that the received alert contains a valid type of Scale"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Tacker DB"

[label = "6. Find the corresponding resource from the DB"];

"Prometheus Plugin" <-- "Tacker DB"

[label = "vnf_instance"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "7. Check whether the resource has AutoScale enabled"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "8. Check aspect_id in vnf_instance"];

"Prometheus Plugin" -> "Vnflcm Controller"

[label = "9. Call the internal Scale function"];

"Vnflcm Controller" -> "Vnflcm Driver"

[label = "10. Trigger asynchronous task", note = "The same with the default Scale operation"];

"Prometheus Plugin" <-- "Vnflcm Controller"

[label = "Response 202 Accepted"];

"External Monitoring Tool" <-- "Prometheus Plugin"

[label = "Response 204 No Content"];


  1. As an External Monitoring Tool, Prometheus monitors specified resources through user-defined rules. When the data monitored by Prometheus matches the conditions of the rule, Prometheus will send an alert to Tacker.
  2. After Tacker receives the alert, Prometheus Plugin first checks that the value of the auto_scaling field in tacker.conf is True. If not, the process is terminated.
  3. Prometheus Plugin checks that the value of the status field in alert is firing. If not, the process is terminated.
  4. Prometheus Plugin checks that the value of the function_type field in alert is auto_scale. If not, the process is terminated.
  5. Prometheus Plugin checks that the value of the auto_scale_type field in alert must be SCALE_OUT or SCALE_IN. If not, the process is terminated.
  6. According to the value of vnf_instance_id in the label in the alert, Prometheus Plugin gets the corresponding vnf_instance from the DB.
  7. Prometheus Plugin checks that the key of isAutoscaleEnabled exists in vnf_instance.vnfConfigurableProperties and its value is True. If not, the process is terminated.
  8. Prometheus Plugin checks that the value of aspect_id in the alert request exists in vnf_instance.scale_status.
  9. According to the values of vnf_instance_id, auto_scale_type and aspect_id, Prometheus Plugin calls the internal Scale function of vnflcm.
  10. From this step, it is completely the same with the default Scale operation.


The default Scale operation is numberOfSteps = 1 and one VNFC instance is scaled.



Data model impact


REST API impact

The following RESTful API is Tacker specific interface used for AutoHeal between Tacker and External Monitoring Tool.

  • Name: Send an AutoHeal alert event
    Description: Receive the AutoHeal alert sent from External Monitoring Tool
    Method type: POST
    URL for the resource: /alert/auto_healing
    Data type Cardinality Description
    AutoHealAlertEvent 1 the AutoHeal alert sent from External Monitoring Tool
    Attribute name (AutoHealAlertEvent) Data type Cardinality Description
    alerts Structure 1..N List of all alert objects in this group.
    >status String 1 Defines whether or not the alert is resolved or currently firing.
    >labels Structure 1 A set of labels to be attached to the alert.
    >>receiver_type String 1 Type of receiver: tacker
    >>function_type String 1 Type of function: auto_heal
    >>vnfInstanceId Identifier 1 Identifier of vnf instance.
    >>vnfcInfoId String 1 Identifier of vnfc info.
    >startsAt DateTime 1 The time the alert started firing.
    >endsAt DateTime 0..1 The end time of an alert.
    >fingerprint String 1 Fingerprint that can be used to identify the alert.
    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    n/a Success: 204 Shall be returned when a request has been read successfully.
    ProblemDetails See clause 6.4 of2 Error: 4xx/5xx In addition to the response codes defined above, any common error response code as defined in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 0133 may be returned.

The following RESTful API is Tacker specific interface used for AutoScale between Tacker and External Monitoring Tool.

  • Name: Send an AutoScale alert event
    Description: Receive the AutoScale alert sent from External Monitoring Tool
    Method type: POST
    URL for the resource: /alert/auto_scaling
    Data type Cardinality Description
    AutoScaleAlertEvent 1 the AutoScale alert sent from External Monitoring Tool
    Attribute name (AutoScaleAlertEvent) Data type Cardinality Description
    alerts Structure 1..N List of all alert objects in this group.
    >status String 1 Defines whether or not the alert is resolved or currently firing.
    >labels Structure 1 A set of labels to be attached to the alert.
    >>receiver_type String 1 Type of receiver: tacker
    >>function_type String 1 Type of function: auto_scale
    >>auto_scale_type String 1 Type of Scale: SCALE_OUT or SCALE_IN
    >>vnfInstanceId Identifier 1 Identifier of vnf instance.
    >>aspectId String 1 The target VDU to Scale.
    >startsAt DateTime 1 The time the alert started firing.
    >endsAt DateTime 0..1 The end time of an alert.
    >fingerprint String 1 Fingerprint that can be used to identify the alert.
    Data type Cardinality Response Codes Description
    n/a Success: 204 Shall be returned when a request has been read successfully.
    ProblemDetails See clause 6.4 of4 Error: 4xx/5xx In addition to the response codes defined above, any common error response code as defined in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 0135 may be returned.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Kenta Fukaya <kenta.fukaya.xv@hco.ntt.co.jp>

Yuta Kazato <yuta.kazato.nw@hco.ntt.co.jp>

Other contributors:

Koji Shimizu <shimizu.koji@fujitsu.com>

Yoshiyuki Katada <katada.yoshiyuk@fujitsu.com>

Ayumu Ueha <ueha.ayumu@fujitsu.com>

Work Items

  • Implement Tacker to support:
    • External Monitoring interface
      • Add new Rest API POST /alert/auto_healing to receive the AutoHeal alert sent from External Monitoring Tool.
      • Modify Rest API POST /alert/auto_scaling to receive the AutoScale alert sent from External Monitoring Tool.
  • Add new unit and functional tests.




Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in the spec.

Documentation Impact

  • Complete user guide will be added to explain how to AutoHeal and AutoScale by External Monitoring Tool.
  • Update API documentation on the API additions mentioned in REST API impact.


  1. https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/tacker-specs/specs/zed/prometheus-plugin-autoheal-and-autoscale.html↩︎

  2. https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/013/03.03.01_60/gs_nfv-sol013v030301p.pdf↩︎

  3. https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/013/03.03.01_60/gs_nfv-sol013v030301p.pdf↩︎

  4. https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/013/03.03.01_60/gs_nfv-sol013v030301p.pdf↩︎

  5. https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/013/03.03.01_60/gs_nfv-sol013v030301p.pdf↩︎