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Support Heal operation for CNF


This specification describes the "Heal VNF" operation of VNF Lifecycle Management for Container Network Function (CNF) in Tacker.

Problem description

In Victoria release, the Instantiate and Terminate VNF operations with VNF Lifecycle Management defined in ETSI NFV-SOL003 v2.6.1 for CNF are supported in the spec container-network-function. The CNF heal operation with ETSI specifications also needs to be implemented. However, the current ETSI NFV-SOL documents have not defined the detailed specifications for OS container based VNF. This spec provides the definition of the heal operation for CNF in Tacker and also the design to be implemented.

According to ETSI NFV-SOL documents, two different types of heal operations are defined:

  • Heal VNF instance with SOL003
  • Heal VNFC with SOL002

Proposed change

This spec proposes the definition of the heal operation and its design to be implemented.

Definition of CNF healing

For "Heal VNF instance with SOL003", the heal operation is defined to be the termination and instantiation of the VNF.

For "Heal VNFC with SOL002", Pod is mapped to VNFC. Pod can be a singleton or can be created using a controller resource in Kubernetes such as Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet. The heal operation is defined to delete the Pod. When the Pod is a singleton, a new Pod need to be created while the respawn of Pod is not required for the case of controller resources because a new Pod is automatically created by Kubernetes.


The following are defined in Kubernetes as controller resources:

  • Deployment
  • DaemonSet
  • StatefulSet
  • ReplicaSet
  • Job
  • CronJob

Tacker will support the heal operation for singleton Pod or Pod that created using Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet, and ReplicaSet. Pod that created using Job and CronJob is out of scope because no heal operation is required.

When Users execute "Heal VNF instance with SOL003", all Kubernetes resources described in VNF Package are re-created, but, for the case of StatefulSet, assigned PersistentVolume by the PersistentVolumeClaim which is automatically created by Kubernetes is not deleted. Also, in "Heal VNFC with SOL002", only the Pod specified with the provided VNFC ID is re-created and other related resources are not deleted.

Design of heal operation

Before the heal operation, CNF containing the resources need to be instantiated. Kubernetes Infra Driver needs following changes:

  1. To validate the target Kubernetes resource to support the heal operation
  2. To heal VNFC by re-create singleton Pod.
  3. To heal VNFC by delete Pod that created using following Kubernetes controller resources:
    • Deployment
    • DaemonSet
    • StatefulSet
    • ReplicaSet
  4. To store and update the VNFC resource information for the heal operation


The heal operation for VNF instance with SOL003 has been already implemented to be the termination and instantiation of VNF.

The diagram below shows the CNF heal operation for instantiated CNF:

| Heal Request with  |
| additional Params  |
         | 1. Request heal
         |    CNF
|        v                |
|  +-------------------+  |
|  |   Tacker-server   |  |
|  +-----+-------------+  |
|        |                |
|        v                |
| +--------------------+  |
2. Heal CNF  | |  +--------------+  |  |
+--------+-+--| Kubernetes   |  |  |
+------------------+ 3. Re-create       |        | |  | Infra Driver |  |  |
|                  |    VNF or VNFC     v        | |  +--------------+  |  |
| +-----+ +-----+  |             +------------+  | |                    |  |
| | Pod | | Pod |<-+-------------| Kubernetes |  | |                    |  |
| +-----+ +-----+  |             | cluster    |  | |                    |  |
|                  |             | (Master)   |  | |                    |  |
| Kubernetes       |             +------------+  | | Tacker conductor   |  |
| cluster (Worker) |                             | +--------------------+  |
+------------------+                             +-------------------------+
  1. Tacker-server receives the heal request from user
  2. Kubernetes Infra Driver calls Kubernetes client API for healing (delete Pod, or delete and create Kubernetes resources)
  3. Kubernetes Master node re-creates pods running on worker nodes

Sample VNFD file:

VNFD needs to have VDU defined as resource name. The following is a sample of Deployment.

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2

description: Deployment flavour for Kubernetes Cluster with
    "pre_installed" flavour ID

  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml

      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      type: string
      type: list
        type: string
      type: string
      type: string

    node_type: Company.Tacker.KubernetesCluster
      flavour_id: pre_installed

    type: Company.Tacker.Kubernetes
      flavour_description: The pre_installed flavour

    type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
      name: curry-test001
      description: Deployment of Kubernetes resource
        min_number_of_instances: 1
        max_number_of_instances: 3


For Heal operation, Users need to describe tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute in their VNFD because Tacker stores VnfcResourceInfo in VnfInstance.InstantiatedVnfInfo with the data type.

Sample Kubernetes object file:

The sample is an example of Deployment.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: curry-test001
  namespace: curryns
  replicas: 2
      app: webserver
        app: webserver
        scaling_name: SP1
      - env:
        - name: param0
              key: param0
              name: curry-test001
        - name: param1
              key: param1
              name: curry-test001
        image: celebdor/kuryr-demo
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: web-server
        - containerPort: 8080
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 512M
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 512M
        - name: curry-claim-volume
          mountPath: /data
      - name: curry-claim-volume
          claimName: curry-pv-claim
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0

The following heal parameters for "POST /vnf_instances/{id}/heal" are needed as HealVnfRequest data type defined in ETSI NFV-SOL002 v2.6.1:

Attribute name Parameter description
vnfcInstanceId Indicates the target of Kubernetes resource, user can find "vnfcInstanceId" in InstantiatedVnfInfo.vnfcResourceInfo provided by "GET /vnf_instances/{id}".
cause Not needed.
additionalParams Not needed.
healScript Not needed.

Kubernetes resource information needs to be stored as "vnfcResourceInfo" in InstantiatedVnfInfo during the CNF instantiate operation. The type "vnfcResourceInfo" is defined in ETSI NFV-SOL003 v2.6.1. The Kubernetes resource information will be stored in "vnfcResourceInfo" as follows:

Attribute name Cardinality Parameter description
id 1 UUID of vnfc
vduId 1 VDU name defined in VNFD
computeResource 1 Store information of Pod
> vimConnectionId 0..1 Not needed
> resourceProviderId 0..1 Not needed
> resourceId 1 Pod name that is got information from Kubernetes cluster after the Pod is created
> vimLevelResourceType 0..1

Store Kubernetes resource kind:

  • Singleton Pod: "Pod"
  • Pod created by controller resource: Controller resource kind such as "Deployment" and so on
storageResourceIds 0..N Not needed
reservationId 0..1 Not needed
vnfcCpInfo 0..N Not needed
>id 1 Not needed
>cpdId 1 Not needed
>vnfExtCpId 0..1 Not needed
>cpProtocolInfo 0..N Not needed
>vnfLinkPortId 0..1 Not needed
>metadata 0..1 Not needed
metadata 0..1 metadata in Kubernetes object file

The "vnfcResourceInfo.metadata" data type is not well designed to store the information of CNF. Therefore, the metadata fields need to store metadata and spec.template.metadata defined in Kubernetes object files to keep the both of metadata for Controller resource and Pod.

  "metadata": {
    "Deployment": {
      "name": "curry-test001",
      "namespace": "curryns"
    "Pod": {
      "labels": {
        "app": "webserver",
        "scaling_name": "SP1"

The above is an example of Deployment.

The "key" in "metadata" is set to Kubernetes resource kind such as "Deployment" and so on. And "value" in "metadata" is set to "metadata" in each definition, in this case is set to follow:

  • The value of "Deployment" is set to Deployment.metadata (json format)
  • The value of "Pod" is set to Deployment.spec.template.metadata (json format)


Pod name that is stored in computeResource is different from the actual Pod name which acts in Kubernetes cluster because Pod name may change when Kubernetes auto-healing or auto-scaling works. DB needs to be synchronized during CNF scaling and healing.

Store VNFC resources information in Instantiate VNF

During the operation of Instantiate CNF, it needs to store above VNFC resource information. The following sequence diagram describes the components involved and the flow of CNF instantiation operation:

seqdiag {

node_width = 100; edge_length = 115;

Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label =

"POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{id}/instantiate"];

WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "Request validation"]; Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"];

NFVOPlugin; WSGIMiddleware -> VnfLcmDriver [label = "Trigger asynchronous task "]; VnfLcmDriver --> NFVOPlugin [label = "Get VNF Package"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- NFVOPlugin; VnfLcmDriver -->> VnfLcmDriver [label = "Create VIM connection object"];

VnfLcmDriver -> KubernetesDriver [label = "pre_instantiation_vnf()"]; KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver [label = "No change needed"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;

VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver

[label = "instantiate_vnf()"];

KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label = "create()"] KubernetesDriver -> KubernetesDriver [label = "No change needed"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver [label = "instance_id"];

VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label ="create_wait()"]; KubernetesDriver -> KubernetesDriver [label = "No change needed"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;

VnfLcmDriver -> KubernetesDriver [label = "post_vnf_instantiation()"]; KubernetesDriver -> KubernetesPythonClient [label = "Read Kubernetes resources data"]; KubernetesPythonClient -> Kubernetes [label = "Execute read API"]; KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = ""]; KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient; KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver [label = "Update DB for VNFC resources"]; VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;


  1. Tacker receives POST request for instantiate CNF, and Kubernetes resources are created and validated creation which processing is implemented in Victoria release.
  2. In "post_vnf_instantiation()" method, KubernetesDriver sends read API request to KubernetesPythonClient to store information about resources such as pods, storage and so on to vnfcResourceInfo if needed.


Need to update DB for VNFC resources also after scaling or healing CNF because of Pod name will be changed after those operations.

Heal VNF instance with SOL003

If user does not specify any vnfcInstanceId, the heal operation runs the terminate and instantiate operations for re-creating entire VNF instance. No change is required from the current implementation described in the spec etsi-nfv-sol-rest-api-for-VNF-deployment.


When instantiating CNF during the heal operation, change the number of replicas by reading "InstantiatedVnfInfo.scale_status" stored after the scaling operation.

Heal VNFC with SOL002

If user specify vnfcInstanceId, VNFC which is the controller resource in Kubernetes such as Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet is the target of the heal operation and it enables to respawn the VNFC instance.

The following is a sample of healing request body:

  "vnfcInstanceId": "311485f3-45df-41fe-85d9-306154ff4c8d"

The following sequence diagram describes the components involved and the flow of the CNF heal operation:

seqdiag {

node_width = 100; edge_length = 115;

"Client" -> "Tacker-server"

[label = "POST /vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/heal"];

"Client" <-- "Tacker-server" [label = "Response 202 Accepted"]; "Tacker-server" --> "Tacker-conductor" [label = "Trigger asynchronous task"] "Tacker-conductor" -> "VnfLcmDriver" [label = "Call VnfLcmDriver"];

"VnfLcmDriver" -> "KubernetesDriver" [label = "heal_vnf()"]; "KubernetesDriver" -> "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = "Execute delete API"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" -> "Kubernetes" [label = "Execute delete API"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" <-- "Kubernetes" [label = ""]; "KubernetesDriver" <-- "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = ""]; "KubernetesDriver" -> "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = "Execute read API for check successful deletion"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" -> "Kubernetes" [label = "Execute read API"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" <-- "Kubernetes" [label = ""]; "KubernetesDriver" <-- "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = ""]; "KubernetesDriver" -->> "KubernetesDriver" [label = "Translate into target Kubernetes object"]; "KubernetesDriver" -> "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = "Execute create API"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" -> "Kubernetes" [label = "Execute create API"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" <-- "Kubernetes" [label = ""]; "KubernetesDriver" <-- "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = ""]; "VnfLcmDriver" <-- "KubernetesDriver" [label = ""];

"VnfLcmDriver" -> "KubernetesDriver" [label = "heal_vnf_wait()"]; "KubernetesDriver" -> "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = "Execute read API for check successful creation"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" -> "Kubernetes" [label = "Execute read API"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" <-- "Kubernetes" [label = ""]; "KubernetesDriver" <-- "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = ""]; "VnfLcmDriver" <-- "KubernetesDriver" [label = ""];

"VnfLcmDriver" -> "KubernetesDriver" [label = "post_heal_vnf()"]; "KubernetesDriver" -> "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = "read Kubernetes resources data"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" -> "Kubernetes" [label = "Execute read API"]; "KubernetesPythonClient" <-- "Kubernetes" [label = ""]; "KubernetesDriver" <-- "KubernetesPythonClient" [label = ""]; "KubernetesDriver" -->> "KubernetesDriver" [label = "Update vnfc resource information"]; "VnfLcmDriver" <-- "KubernetesDriver" [label = ""];

"Tacker-conductor" <-- "VnfLcmDriver" [label = ""];


  1. Client sends a POST request to the Heal CNF Instance resource.

  2. Basically the same sequence as the one described in the spec support-notification-api-based-on-etsi-nfv-sol, except for the Tacker-conductor. In case of CNF heal operation, the MgmtDriver action is not need.

  3. KubernetesDriver sends delete and read API request to Kubernetes with KubernetesPythonClient to delete the Kubernetes resources and check deletion is successful in heal_vnf() method.

  4. If deletion is successful, the definition of heal target resources is extracted from Kubernetes object YAML files will be translated into Kubernetes model object, and KubernetesDriver sends create API request to Kubernetes with KubernetesPythonClient to re-create the Kubernetes resources.


    No explicit deletion process is required for Pods created by controller resources in Kubernetes such as Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet, because Kubernetes automatically regenerates the Pods.


    Change the number of replicas in Kubernetes model object by reading "InstantiatedVnfInfo.scale_status" stored after the scaling operation.

  5. KubernetesDriver sends read API request to Kubernetes with KubernetesPythonClient to check creation result in heal_vnf_wait() method.

  6. VnfLcmDriver updates VNFC resource information by reading Kubernetes resource to "VnfInstance.InstantiatedVnfInfo.vnfcResourceInfo" if creation is successful in post_heal_vnf() method.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Yoshito Ito <yoshito.itou.dr@hco.ntt.co.jp>

Other contributors:

Ayumu Ueha <ueha.ayumu@fujitsu.com>

LiangLu <lu.liang@fujitsu.com>

Work Items

  • Validate the target Kubernetes resource to support heal operation
  • Kubernetes Infra Driver will be modified to implement:
    • Heal VNFC by re-create singleton Pod.
    • Heal VNFC by delete Pod that created using following Kubernetes resource kind:
      • Deployment
      • DaemonSet
      • StatefulSet
      • ReplicaSet
    • Store and update the VNFC resource information for the heal operation
  • Add new unit and functional tests.




Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in the spec.

Documentation Impact

Complete user guide will be added to explain CNF healing.

