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Before Running any commands below ensure you have sourced the toci_env file

$ cd /opt/toci
$ . toci_env

Q. How can I ssh to the seed vm

A. $ ssh root@$($TOCI_WORKING_DIR/incubator/scripts/get-vm-ip seed)

Q. How can I ssh to the undercloud controller

A. $ ssh heat-admin@

Q. How do I list the nodes making up the overcloud

$ . undercloudrc
$ nova list

Q. How can I create more bm_poseur nodes and add them to my undercloud

$ . undercloudrc
#              <cpus> <memory> <disk> <architecture> <quantity>
$ create-nodes  1      1024     10     i386           5
$ export MACS=$($TOCI_WORKING_DIR/bm_poseur/bm_poseur get-macs)
$ setup-baremetal 1 768 10 i386 all

Q. How can I create a new image, using the elements fedora, selinux-permissive and stackuser

A. $ ./diskimage-builder/bin/disk-image-create -a i386 -o myimage fedora selinux-permissive stackuser

Q. I have a heat template, how can I start a stack on the undercloud using it

$ . undercloudrc
$ heat stack-create -f /path/to/myheattemplate.yaml mystack

Q. I want to rerun toci without having to build a new set of images each time.

A. Yes, toci can apply a patch to disk-imagebuilder that will cause it place build images in a /opt/toci/image_cache, all other runs of toci will use these files instead of building a new one. To use the patch move it into the patches directory where you clone toci to.

# Toci need to reclone disk-imagebuilder so that the patch is applied
$ rm -rf /opt/toci/diskimage-builder
$ cp patches_dev/diskimage-builder-0001-Save-images-in-a-toci-cache-file-or-use-if-present.patch  patches
$ ./

Do not forget to remove images from /opt/toci/image_cache if you change anything that would require a new image