Add a pypi mirror to the ci overcloud

Using the bandersnatch element, create a pypi mirror on the ci overcloud
for use in ci jobs.

Change-Id: I98214ced161864d9d3504e0c357465ed66ee1948
This commit is contained in:
Derek Higgins 2014-11-27 11:33:14 +00:00
parent 3ee97617c0
commit 3f99f7d14f
1 changed files with 22 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ keystone user-role-add --role Member --user tripleo-ci --tenant openstack-nodepo
# Create the flavor nodepool uses # Create the flavor nodepool uses
nova flavor-show || nova flavor-create auto 8192 20 1 nova flavor-show || nova flavor-create auto 8192 20 1
# Create a flavor for mirrors with more disk space then is normal
nova flavor-show d1.medium || nova flavor-create d1.medium auto 4096 200 2
# The the images that nodepool uses to creat templates # The the images that nodepool uses to creat templates
FEDORA_IMAGE=$(wget -q -O - | grep -o -E 'href="([^"#]+qcow2)"' | cut -d'"' -f2) FEDORA_IMAGE=$(wget -q -O - | grep -o -E 'href="([^"#]+qcow2)"' | cut -d'"' -f2)
F20_IMAGE_FILE=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/fedora-20.x86_64.qcow2 F20_IMAGE_FILE=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/fedora-20.x86_64.qcow2
@ -107,6 +110,25 @@ if ! nova $NP_CREDS show squid ; then
squid squid
fi fi
# Create and boot bandersnatch pypi mirror
if [ ! -e $BANDERSNATCH_IMG -o "$USE_CACHE" != "1" ] ; then
$TRIPLEO_ROOT/diskimage-builder/bin/disk-image-create -a amd64 -o $BANDERSNATCH_IMG \
$TE_DISTRO vm bandersnatch stackuser dhcp-all-interfaces
# XXX(lifeless) make a load-image patch for virt use
if glance image-show bandersnatch &> /dev/null; then
glance image-delete bandersnatch
glance image-create --name bandersnatch --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public 1 --file $BANDERSNATCH_IMG --progress
if ! nova $NP_CREDS show bandersnatch ; then
nova $NP_CREDS boot --image "bandersnatch" --flavor d1.medium \
--nic net-id=$DEFAULT_NET \
--nic net-id=$TESTNETID,v4-fixed-ip= --key-name default \
# Assign a floting IP to the broker # Assign a floting IP to the broker
TE_ID=$(nova $NP_CREDS show te-broker | awk '$2=="id" { print $4 }') TE_ID=$(nova $NP_CREDS show te-broker | awk '$2=="id" { print $4 }')
FLOATING_IP=$(nova $NP_CREDS floating-ip-list | awk '$4=="'$TE_ID'" {print $2}') FLOATING_IP=$(nova $NP_CREDS floating-ip-list | awk '$4=="'$TE_ID'" {print $2}')