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Zaqar Benchmarking


The Benchmark tool fires up both a Producer Process and a Consumer Process, while accepting CLI parameters for the number of processes, number of workers and duration of test.

The Producer Process publishes messages to a given queue, while the Consumer consumes the messages claiming and deleting them.

Need of the Benchmark

Zaqar is a performance oriented API. Any changes made need to performance tested, and this tool helps by a being quick way to test that.


Benchmark dependencies need to be pip installed:

pip install -r bench-requirements.txt

Make sure you have a running instance of Zaqar after following README for setting up Zaqar running at port 8888:

Export an environment variable called MESSAGES_PATH and set it to the path of messages.json in zaqar/bench

Note: This allows benchmarking with different set of messages rather than those specified in


$ zaqar-bench-pc -p {Number of Processes} -w {Number of Workers} -t {Duration in Seconds}