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Contributing to Pecan

Pecan uses the Gerrit code review system for bug fixes and feature additions.

Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored.

To contribute:

  • Visit and click the Sign In link at the top-right corner of the page. Log in with your Launchpad ID (or register a new account).
  • $ git clone pecan locally and create a topic branch to hold your work. The general convention when working on bugs is to name the branch bug/BUG-NUMBER (e.g., bug/1234567). Otherwise, give it a meaningful name because it will show up as the topic for your change in Gerrit.
  • Commit your work and submit a review ($ git review)
$ git clone && cd pecan
$ git checkout -b bug/1234
$ pip install git-review && git review -s
# Make changes
$ pip install tox && tox
$ git add .
$ git commit -a
$ git review

All contributions must:

  • Include accompanying tests.
  • Include narrative and API documentation if new features are added.
  • Be (generally) compliant with PEP8.
  • Not break the test or build. Before submitting a review, $ pip install tox && tox from your source to ensure that all tests still pass across multiple versions of Python.

Bugs should be filed on Launchpad, not GitHub: