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Hacking on cloud-init
To get changes into cloud-init, the process to follow is:
* Fork from github, create a branch and make your changes
- ``git clone``
- ``cd cloud-init``
- ``echo hack``
* Check test and code formatting / lint and address any issues:
- ``tox``
* Commit / ammend your changes (before review, make good commit messages with
one line summary followed by empty line followed by expanded comments).
- ``git commit``
* Push to
- ``git-review``
* Before your changes can be accepted, you must sign the `Canonical
Contributors License Agreement`_. Use 'Scott Moser' as the 'Project
contact'. To check to see if you've done this before, look for your
name in the `Canonical Contributor Agreement Team`_ on Launchpad.
Then be patient and wait (or ping someone on cloud-init team).
* `Core reviewers/maintainers`_
Remember the more you are involved in the project the more beneficial it is
for everyone involved (including yourself).
**Contacting us:**
Feel free to ping the folks listed above and/or join ``#cloud-init`` on
`freenode`_ (`IRC`_) if you have any questions.
.. _Core reviewers/maintainers:,members
.. _IRC: irc://
.. _freenode:
.. _Canonical Contributors License Agreement:
.. _Canonical Contributor Agreement Team: