Add test_security_group_on_vrouter

Change-Id: I953f4605c96f5c20dbceec193e834eb0c298c1fc
This commit is contained in:
Georgy Dyuldin 2017-04-20 19:42:22 +03:00
parent cbf56e3f77
commit 3a6bf8c574
4 changed files with 138 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -28,12 +28,17 @@ def client_contrail_analytics(session):
def client_contrail_vrouter_agent(contrail_vrouter_agent_endpoint):
LOGGER.debug('VRouter endpoint: {0}'.format(
return clients.ContrailVRouterAgentClient(
def client_contrail_vrouter_agents(contrail_vrouter_agent_endpoints):
endpoints = contrail_vrouter_agent_endpoints
port = endpoints['port']
_clients = {}
for node in endpoints['nodes']:
LOGGER.debug('VRouter `{node}` endpoint: {ip}:{port}'.format(
node=node['fqdn'], ip=node['ip'], port=port))
_clients[node['fqdn']] = clients.ContrailVRouterAgentClient(
agent_ip=node['ip'], agent_port=endpoints['port'])
return _clients
def get_nodes_fixture(cmd, scope='function'):
@ -86,18 +91,53 @@ def contrail_api_endpoint(os_faults_steps):
def contrail_vrouter_agent_endpoint(contrail_services_http_introspect_ports):
"""Return contrail agent endpoint."""
def contrail_vrouter_agent_endpoints(contrail_services_http_introspect_ports):
"""Return contrail agent endpoints info.
Return format:
'port': 8100,
'nodes': [
'ip': '',
'fqdn': 'cmp001.mcp.local'
'ip': '',
'fqdn': 'cmp002.mcp.local'
service_name = 'contrail-vrouter-agent'
ip = contrail_services_http_introspect_ports[service_name]['nodes'][0][
port = contrail_services_http_introspect_ports[service_name]['port']
return {'ip': ip, 'port': port}
return contrail_services_http_introspect_ports[service_name]
def contrail_services_http_introspect_ports(os_faults_steps, contrail_nodes):
"""Return contrail services ips and ports."""
"""Return contrail services ips and ports.
Return format:
'port': 8100,
'nodes': [
'ip': '',
'fqdn': 'cmp001.mcp.local'
'ip': '',
'fqdn': 'cmp002.mcp.local'
'contrail-opserver': {...},
default_ports = {
'contrail-config-nodemgr': 8100,

View File

@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
import six
import copy
from six.moves.urllib import request
import xmltodict
from collections import OrderedDict
from vapor.settings import logger
if six.PY2:
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
__all__ = ['ContrailVRouterAgentClient']
@ -20,21 +15,16 @@ class ClientContrailVRouterAgentBase(object):
self.port = agent_port
def get_snh_dict_data(self, data):
key = data.keys()
if key[0].find(r'__') == 0:
data = data[key[0]]
key = next(iter(data.keys()))
if key.startswith(r'__'):
data = data[key]
data = self.del_unused_key(data)
return_dict = {}
key = data.keys()
for i in key:
return_dict[i] = self.get_data(data[i])
return return_dict
return {k: self.get_data(v) for k, v in data.items()}
def get_resource(self, path):
url = 'http://%s:%s/%s' % (self.ip, self.port, path)
req = Request(url)
response = urlopen(req)
response = request.urlopen(url)
xmldata =
except Exception as e:
logger.error('get_xml exception: {} url: {}'.format(e, url))
@ -46,38 +36,35 @@ class ClientContrailVRouterAgentBase(object):
def del_unused_key(data):
key_list = ['@type', '@identifier', '@size', 'more',
'Pagination', 'OvsdbPageResp', 'next_batch']
return OrderedDict({k: v for (k, v) in data.items()
if k not in key_list})
return {k: v for (k, v) in data.items() if k not in key_list}
def get_data(self, data):
if isinstance(data, list):
data_list = []
for i in data:
data_dict = self.get_data(i)
for item in data:
data_dict = self.get_data(item)
return_data = data_list
if '@type' in data:
if data['@type'] == 'sandesh':
sandesh_dict = {}
data = self.del_unused_key(data)
key = data.keys()
for i in key:
sandesh_dict[i] = self.get_data(data[i])
return_data = sandesh_dict
return_data = {k: self.get_data(v)
for k, v in data.items()}
elif data['@type'] == 'list':
data = self.del_unused_key(data)
key = data.keys()
data = data[key[0]]
key = next(iter(data.keys()))
data = data[key]
return_data = self.get_data(data)
elif data['@type'] == 'struct':
is_list = '@size' in data
data = self.del_unused_key(data)
if len(data) == 0:
return ''
keys = data.keys()
for i in keys:
sdata = self.get_data(data[i])
return_data = sdata
value = next(iter(data.values()))
if is_list and not (isinstance(value, list)):
value = [value]
return_data = self.get_data(value)
elif data['@type'] in ['i64', 'i32', 'i16', 'u64', 'u32',
'u16', 'double', 'string', 'bool']:
if '#text' in data:
@ -87,11 +74,8 @@ class ClientContrailVRouterAgentBase(object):
elif 'element' in data:
return_data = data['#text']
data_dict = {}
data = self.del_unused_key(data)
for i in data:
data_dict[i] = self.get_data(data[i])
return_data = data_dict
return_data = {k: self.get_data(v) for k, v in data.items()}
return return_data
def find_ifmap_list(self, data):
@ -118,34 +102,32 @@ class ClientContrailVRouterAgentBase(object):
def get_snhdict(self, path):
data = self.get_resource(path)
all_path = ''
# Check all data link
all_path = None
top_key = data.keys()
url = data[top_key[0]]['Pagination']['req']['PageReqData']['all']['#text'] # noqa
top_key = next(iter(data.keys()))
url = data[top_key]['Pagination']['req']['PageReqData']['all']['#text'] # noqa
all_path = 'Snh_PageReq?x=%s' % url
except KeyError:
top_key = data.keys()
url = data[top_key[0]]['OvsdbPageResp']['req']['OvsdbPageRespData']['all']['#text'] # noqa
top_key = next(iter(data.keys()))
url = data[top_key]['OvsdbPageResp']['req']['OvsdbPageRespData']['all']['#text'] # noqa
all_path = 'Snh_OvsdbPageReq?x=%s' % url
except KeyError:
if all_path != '':
if all_path:
data = self.get_resource(all_path)
keys = data.keys()
if 'next_batch' in data[keys[0]]:
while True:
if 'next_batch' in data[keys[0]]:
# Check pagination
key = next(iter(data.keys()))
while 'next_batch' in data[key]:
old_data = data.copy()
path1 = data[keys[0]]['next_batch']['@link']
path2 = data[keys[0]]['next_batch']['#text']
path1 = data[key]['next_batch']['@link']
path2 = data[key]['next_batch']['#text']
path = 'Snh_%s?x=%s' % (path1, path2)
data = self.get_resource(path)
old_list = self.find_ifmap_list(old_data)
self.merge_ifmap_list(data, old_list)
data = self.merge_ifmap_list(data, old_list)
return data
def get_path_to_dict(self, path):
@ -164,3 +146,7 @@ class ContrailVRouterAgentClient(ClientContrailVRouterAgentBase):
def get_itf_by_name(self, interface_name):
data = self.get_path_to_dict('Snh_ItfReq?x={}'.format(interface_name))
return data
def get_sg_list(self):
data = self.get_path_to_dict('Snh_SgListReq')
return data

View File

@ -647,7 +647,8 @@ def test_update_vm_ip(server, subnet, port_steps, server_steps):
[dict(ips=('', ''))],
def test_diff_proj_same_vn_vm_add_delete(different_tenants_resources,
"""Test to validate that a VN and VM with the same name and same subnet
can be created in two different projects.
@ -661,7 +662,13 @@ def test_diff_proj_same_vn_vm_add_delete(different_tenants_resources,
resources = different_tenants_resources
itfs = client_contrail_vrouter_agent.get_itfs()['ItfResp'][
compute_host = getattr(resources[0].server,
compute_fqdn = os_faults_steps.get_fqdn_by_host_name(compute_host)
vrouter_agent_client = client_contrail_vrouter_agents[compute_fqdn]
itfs = vrouter_agent_client.get_itfs()['ItfResp'][
s1_net_label = next(vrif['label'] for vrif in itfs

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@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
import time
import attrdict
from hamcrest import assert_that, equal_to # noqa: H301
from hamcrest import (assert_that, equal_to, only_contains,
has_entries) # noqa: H301
from pycontrail import types
import pytest
from stepler import config as stepler_config
@ -448,3 +449,36 @@ def test_add_remove_security_group_with_active_flow(
ifaces[0], tcp_filter)
connectivity.check_packets_on_iface(os_faults_steps, computes[1],
ifaces[1], udp_filter)
def test_security_group_on_vrouter(
server, security_group, client_contrail_vrouter_agents,
os_faults_steps, neutron_create_security_group):
"""Check that server's compute vRouter "know" about security groups.
#. Create server with security group
#. Check that security group uuid is present on server's vRouter agent
/Snh_SgListReq reply
#. Create new security group
#. Add created security group to server
#. Check that new security group uuid is present on server's vRouter
agent /Snh_SgListReq reply
compute_host = getattr(server, stepler_config.SERVER_ATTR_HOST)
compute_fqdn = os_faults_steps.get_fqdn_by_host_name(compute_host)
vrouter_agent = client_contrail_vrouter_agents[compute_fqdn]
sg_list = vrouter_agent.get_sg_list()['SgListResp']['sg_list']
sg_list, only_contains(has_entries(sg_uuid=security_group['id'])))
new_security_group = neutron_create_security_group(
sg_list = vrouter_agent.get_sg_list()['SgListResp']['sg_list']