
1.7 KiB

The Openbook Plugin

This plugin extends Mirantis OpenStack functionality by adding Openbook customer onboarding, self-service, and cloud billing / charge-back services. Openbook is a fully-functional, simple to use cloud management solution that has been built specifically for OpenStack. It allows users to measure, manage, and monetize clouds built on OpenStack.


Requirement Version/Comment
Mirantis OpenStack compatility 6.1 or higher
Distribution Supported Ubuntu
Talligent Sharefile access Contact openbook@talligent.com for access


The plugin in not yet distribuited as package. You have to build it yourself.

How to build the plugin

Please refer to the Fuel Plugins wiki to build the plugin by yourself, version 2.0.0 (or higher) of the Fuel Plugin Builder is required.

    git clone https://github.com/openstack/fuel-plugin-openbook.git
    cd fuel-plugin-openbook
    git checkout 6.1
    fpb --build .

How to install the plugin

Copy the plugin file to the Fuel Master node.

    scp openbook*rpm root@<Fuel Master node IP address>:

Install the plugin using the fuel command line:

    ssh root@<Fuel Master node IP address>
    fuel plugins --install openbook*.rpm

Verify that the plugin is installed correctly:

    [root@fuel ~]# fuel plugins --list
    id | name     | version | package_version
    2  | openbook | 1.0.0   | 2.0.0