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Guide to the SolidFire Cinder Plugin version 02.000.0 for Fuel 8.x

This document provides instructions for installing, configuring and using SolidFire Cinder plugin for Fuel.

Key terms, acronyms and abbreviations


Management Virtual IP (MVIP) is the IP address (or hostname) of the management interface to the SolidFire cluster


Storage Virtual IP (SVIP) is the IP address (or hostname) of the storage interface of the SolidFire cluster. SolidFire supports multiple SVIPs on separate VLANs.

Cluster Admin account

The Cluster Admin account on a SolidFire cluster is the account by which you administer the SolidFire cluster.

SolidFire accounts

SolidFire accounts are automatically created by the SolidFire OpenStack driver as needed based on the Project ID. These accounts manage the CHAP authentication for the volumes allocated by that project. No configuration is needed for these accounts.

SolidFire Cinder

The SolidFire Cinder Fuel plugin provides an automated method to insert the necessary lines into the cinder.conf file. The plugin extends the Fuel GUI to provide the necessary entry locations for the information for the configuration file.

Please see the SolidFire OpenStack Configuration Guide for complete details.


Component License type

No Components are present


Requirement Version/Comment




  • The SolidFire cluster should be configured and on the network prior to starting Cinder with the SolidFire configuration in place.
  • Cinder relies on the open-iscsi package to preform many functions such as image to volume. This plugin requires (and installs) the open-iscsi package, so it must be avaliable in one of the repositories avaliable Fuel.
  • See the Mirantis, SolidFire joint reference architecture.


  • The SolidFire Cinder Fuel plugin no longer supports a single backend. The option has been removed from the GUI and the plugin will always assume multiple backends.
  • Since Fuel does not natively support multiple backends in Cinder; therefore, the plugin is designed to move the default storage selection (ceph or lvm) from the default section of the config file into it's own stanza before it can add the SolidFire config stanza.
  • The SolidFire Cinder plugin has been designed to detect the NetApp plugin and handle multiple backends in conjunction with NetApp correctly.
  • All other storage plugins (other than NetApp) may conflict with the SolidFire or NetApp plugin and whichever plugin runs last will configure the enabled_backends, requiring hand editing.
  • NOTE: When using this plugin with the NetApp plugin one MUST select 'Multibackend Enabled' on NetApp plugin for proper multi-backend to be automatically enabled.

Installation Guide

SolidFire Cinder plugin installation

  1. Download the plugin from Fuel Plugins Catalog. or clone this repository, install the fuel plugin builder with the following command

    pip install fuel-plugin-builder

    and then build the plugin using the following command:

    cd fuel-plugin-solidfire-cinder; fpb --build ./
  2. Copy the plugin to an already installed Fuel Master node. If you do not have the Fuel Master node yet, follow the instructions from the official Mirantis OpenStack documentation:

    # scp fuel-plugin-solidfire-cinder-2.0-2.0.0-1.noarch.rpm \
  3. Log into the Fuel Master node and install the plugin:

    # cd /tmp
    # fuel plugins --install /tmp/fuel-plugin-solidfire-cinder-2.0-2.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
    # fuel plugins list
    id | name                         | version | package_version
    1  | fuel-plugin-solidfire-cinder | 2.0.0   | 4.0.0

SolidFire Cinder plugin configuration

  1. After plugin is installed, create a new OpenStack environment following the instructions.

  2. Configure your environment following the official Mirantis OpenStack documentation.

  3. Open the Storage tab of the Fuel web UI and scroll down the page to 'Fuel plugin to enable SolidFire in Cinder.'

  4. Select the Fuel plugin checkbox to enable SolidFire Cinder plugin for Fuel:


  5. The default configuration is that the SolidFire configuration stanza is a self contained stanza within the Cinder config file. In addition the enabled_backends directive is placed in the 'default' section to enable the SolidFire Stanza. This option allows for multiple backends to be configured and configures Cinder to place the proper routing information into the database.

  6. Enter the Cluster Admin account information (account and password) and the IP address of the Management Virtual IP (MVIP) of the SolidFire Cluster.

  7. It is recommended to select the defaults for all other SolidFire options, but explanations of each field are below.

  8. 'Cluster endpoint port' defines the port number to communicate with the SolidFire API on. Generally this is not changed unless a HTTPs proxy is used or the port is otherwise changed.

  9. 'Enable Caching' and 'Template Account' allow the SolidFire cluster to cache Glance images on the SolidFire cluster for all tenants. The template account will be automatically created on the SolidFire cluster and the cached images will be contained within this account. The account will be prefixed with the 'SF account prefix' if defined.

  10. 'SF account prefix' will prefix all accounts on the SolidFire cluster with the defined prefix. The prefix is useful (but not required) when multiple OpenStack instances access the same SolidFire cluster such that each instance can quickly identify accounts that belong to that instance. NOTE: Accounts on SolidFire are named using the Project/Tenant ID, optionally prefixed as defined here.

  11. Once configuration is done, you can run network verification check and deploy the environment.

User Guide

Once the OpenStack instance is deployed by Fuel, the SolidFire plugin provides no user configurable or maintainable options.

The SolidFire driver (once configured by Fuel) will output all logs into the cinder-volume process log file with the 'solidfire' title.

Known issues

Due to Fuels lack of support for multiple cinder backends, only plugins designed to reconfigure the base storage and detect other backend plugins will work automatically. The SolidFire plugin will reconfigure the default storage and detect the NetApp plugin. If you need to support other vendors, hand editing of the cinder.conf is required.

Release Notes

  • Version 1.0.1 supports Fuel 6.x.
  • Version 1.1.0 supports Fuel 7.x.
  • Version 01.001.1 adds automated install of the open-iscsi package which is required by SolidFire, but not installed by Fuel if Ceph is selected in the starting wizzard. Supports Fuel 7.x.
  • Version 02.00.0 refactors the code to support Fuel 8.0


All SolidFire messages are output into the Cinder-volume log file. Search for 'solidfire'.


The SolidFire driver documentation contains complete information on all SolidFire driver options.