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#. Logging
In addition to the Astute log, XenServer Fuel Plugin has its own log under
/var/log/fuel-plugin-xenserver on all Compute and Controller nodes.
Besides HIMN tool mentioned in Installation Guide also has its own log
under ``%LOCALAPPDATA%/Temp/XCHIMN.log``.
You can upload issued logs to https://cis.citrix.com or send to support if
they are requested. `Writing Good Bug Reports for XenServer`_ might be a
good reference to follow.
#. XenServer hotfixes
If you are using XenServer 6.5, please install SP1 and all hotfixes before
attempting to deploy.
.. _Writing Good Bug Reports for XenServer: https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2012/07/16/writing-good-bug-reports-for-xenserver/