
2.0 KiB

How to run

Just run

That script will install a virtual env with git-upstream (from the current repo clone) and will run every script which name match the following regex:


Order of execution is given by $1 and test name by $2.

It's also possible to run single tests creating a test directory and running

BASE_TEST_DIR=<your base test dir> 0xx-test_<your test name>.sh

But that will need a git-upstream executable in your path.

Creating more tests

Simply copy

giving it a name that matches the aforementioned regexp.

Then edit the file definig a function that performs the actual test

function test_name1() {
  log DEBUG "Starting $TEST_NAME::$FUNCNAME"

  return 0

Leave rest of the code as it is.

Reference of global variables/functions available in this framework


set_verbority() Set verbosity level. Available verbosities are: "ERROR WARNING INFO DEBUG"

log() Print the given string, with a decoration, if current verbosity level is less or equal to the one passed as an argument.


TEST_DIR Testing directory. Objects pertaining a test should be created under that directory.

TEST_NAME The name of current test. Extracted from the test filename.

prepare_for_git_upstream() Using the current git-upstream repo, create an initial configuration useful for testing git-upstream. After invoking it a "$TEST_DIR/$REPO_NAME"

Environment variable used by the test framework

VERBOSITY Set tests verbosity. Valid verbosities are: "ERROR WARNING INFO DEBUG"

LEAVE_DIR If equals to "yes", testing framework won't remove testing directory. Useful for debugging and to inspect tests results.