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This guide assumes that you are using a branch named master to maintain your new features or bug fixes that sit on top of the upstream code of some project (probably somewhat related to OpenStack).

Importing from upstream: using git-upstream

See installation instructions for details on installing.

Initial import of an upstream project

To explain the usage of the git-upstream tool we are going to use a real-world (but trivial) example, by performing some sample operations on a project called jenkins-job-builder.

In this example, we will create a local file based Git repository to host our mirror of jenkins-job-builder. You could also use an existing internal mirror, a Github fork, etc.

Start by setting the following environment variables:

export REPO_NAME="jenkins-job-builder"
export INTERNAL_REMOTE="file:///tmp/jenkins-job-builder.git"
export FIRST_IMPORT_REF="0.5.0"
1) Create two empty repositories, one to serve as your working copy, and

one to serve as the remote:

git init --bare /tmp/${REPO_NAME}.git
git init $REPO_NAME

2) Add your remotes

We will name it origin and upstream (for the sake of originality).

git remote add origin $INTERNAL_REMOTE
git remote add upstream $UPSTREAM_REMOTE

3) Fetch objects and refs from upstream remote

git fetch --all

4) Push refs

Push refs defined upstream to the origin remote (i.e., the internal copy of the repository with local patches) using the string upstream as prefix, also pushing tags.

git for-each-ref refs/remotes/upstream --format "%(refname:short)" | \
  sed -e 's:\(upstream/\(.*\)\)$:\1\:refs/heads/upstream/\2:' | \
  xargs git push --tags origin

You may want to repeat the last two commands before starting any new feature development or a bug fix.

5) Check-out the first import commit (e.g., tag or SHA1)

This will be the starting point for the internal development.

git checkout -b import/$FIRST_IMPORT_REF $FIRST_IMPORT_REF

6) Create and switch to the master branch

git checkout -b master

Now the tips of master, $FIRST_IMPORT_REF and import/$FIRST_IMPORT_REF should be pointing to the same commit.

Push local master branch to the remote origin, and make origin master the default when pushing commits.

git push -u origin master

Writing your patches/features

Now start to develop new feature or fix bugs on master, as usual. For this example, we are going to change the .gitreview file in order to use a local Gerrit server.

sed -i 's/review\.openstack\.org/gerrit\.my\.org/' .gitreview

Dont forget to commit and push (after this step, you may want to use git review as usual)

git commit -a -m "Set .gitreview content to use internal gating infra"
git push

Our master (local and remote) tip should be now pointing to the last commit.

Importing single patches from upstream

Before implementing any feature or fixing any bug (in short, before reinventing the wheel), check if someone has already implemented the required code upstream.

If not, try not to develop code only for your specific needs, be ambitious and try to develop something that could be useful for the whole community. This way you can propose your patch upstream and save yourself a lot of trouble which arise when there are many local changes to carry on the tip of upstream releases.

In this example, we tried to use our code and we found out that the job filtering isnt working! Fortunately, Antoine Musso has already fixed this bug, as we can see in the upstream repo.

git show --summary 2eca0d11669b55d4ab02ba609a15aa242fd80d14
commit 2eca0d11669b55d4ab02ba609a15aa242fd80d14
Author: Antoine Musso <>
Date:   Mon Jun 24 14:36:52 2013 +0200

    job filtering was not working properly

    When passing job names as arguments to 'update', the command is supposed
    to only retain this jobs.  Due to the job being a dict, the filter would
    never match and the none of the job would be updated.

    This has apparently always been broken since the feature got introduced
    in 85cf7a41.  Using job.['name'] fix it up.

    Change-Id: Icf4d5b0bb68777f7faff91ade04451d4c8501c6a
    Reviewed-by: Clark Boylan <>
    Approved: James E. Blair <>
    Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <>
    Tested-by: Jenkins

We are also interested in the following commit, which adds the Environment File Plugin (finally!).

git show --summary bf4524fae25c11640ef839aa422ac81bd926ca20
commit bf4524fae25c11640ef839aa422ac81bd926ca20
Author: zaro0508 <>
Date:   Mon Jul 1 11:21:24 2013 -0700

    add Environment File Plugin

    This commit adds the Environment File Plugin to JJB.

    Change-Id: Id35a4d6ab25b0440303da02bb91007b459979243
    Reviewed-by: Arnaud Fabre <>
    Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <>
    Approved: Clark Boylan <>
    Reviewed-by: Clark Boylan <>
    Tested-by: Jenkins

Import those changes by simply cherry-picking the two commits. Dont forget to push (review!) your changes.

git cherry-pick 2eca0d11669b55d4ab02ba609a15aa242fd80d14
git cherry-pick bf4524fae25c11640ef839aa422ac81bd926ca20
git push

Importing new versions from upstream

Time passes and finally a new releases comes out.

git fetch --all
git for-each-ref refs/remotes/upstream --format "%(refname:short)" | \
  sed -e 's:\(upstream/\(.*\)\)$:\1\:refs/heads/upstream/\2:' | \
  xargs git push --tags origin

A lot of work has been done upstream and we need to rebase our master onto the upstream master branch. In this process we want to skip all the commits cherry-picked some days ago, where they have merged upstream.

Running git-upstream

Identify the commit/tag/branch to import from, in this example we'll use 0.6.0 as a tag for a recent release we want to import.

Now, it is time to run git-upstream! Before doing so make sure the current branch is master

git checkout master
git-upstream import 0.6.0
Searching for previous import
Starting import of upstream
Successfully created import branch
Attempting to linearise previous changes
Successfully applied all locally carried changes
Merging import to requested branch 'HEAD'
Successfully finished import:
target branch: 'HEAD'
upstream branch: 'import/0.6.0'
import branch: 'import/0.6.0'

*No errors*, we have been lucky!

What has just happened?

git-upstream has created a new branch named import/0.6.0-base which tip is branched from the release tag 0.6.0, and has rebased all changes present in our local master which were not already present in the upstream new release (import/0.6.0-base) onto import/0.6.0-base.

You can see that running the following command

git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate

For this trivial example, the only commit not present in the upstream release was about the customisation of the .gitreview file.

The default strategy git-upstream uses to find duplicate entries is exactly the same as git-rebase, which works for both cherry-picked and rebased commits. Additionally it also looks at Change-Id entries in commit messages where found, as these help identify patches that were changed before being accepted upstream when using Gerrit for reviews.


A git commit SHA1 is generated from the following information:

  • commit message
  • author signature (identity + timestamp)
  • committer signature (identity + timestamp)
  • tree SHA1 (hierarchy of directories and files within the commit)
  • list of the SHA1's of the parent commits

This prevents usage of the commit SHA1 as a method of finding duplicates. Git-upstream makes uses of git's internal patch-id to find identical changes. Git-patch-id generates an id based on the the changes made to the tree, which can be used to identify different commits with the exact same code changes as a duplicate commit.

Git-upstream's makes use of Change-Id's from Gerrit to identify additional commits that have the same intention, but are different due to changes made at the request of the upstream. The final patch being slight different cannot be matched using git-patch-id as it will return a different output to the current carried patch.

The local branch import/0.6.0 now contains our local changes rebased onto the new upstream release. git-upstream has also merged this branch with the local master branch (with a custom merge strategy equivalent to the inverse of 'ours', which is not to be confused with the 'ours' option to the recursive merge strategy) to allow the normal workflow (committing/merging to master for review).


The "final" merging step is not mandatory. Of course you can keep a separate branch for each new import. On one hand this strategy allows a "cleaner" history as you will always have your local changes rebased on top of the exact copy of the upstream repository. On the other hand you will be creating a new branch every time you want to import upstream code. You can customise the name of the import branch using the --import-branch <branch name> option.

In principle, you could also replace your master branch (history) with the new import branch created by git-upstream... Unfortunately there is no way to do this without requiring ad-hoc intervention on cloned copies of the repository (aka do-not-do-that(TM))

To disable automatic merging, just use the --no-merge flag

git-upstream import --no-merge import/0.6.0

Handling conflicts

Of course in the real world things are much more complicated. From time to time, during import, you will get rebasing conflict (for instance due to changes from both local and upstream repository to the same piece of code).

In case of rebasing conflict, git-upstream will stop allowing the user to fix the conflict.

git-upstream import import/0.5.0 --into master
Searching for previous import
Starting import of upstream
Successfully created import branch
Attempting to linearise previous changes
ERROR   : Rebase failed, will need user intervention to resolve.
error: could not apply f9b4fca... Fixup for openstack review
When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git rebase --skip" instead.
To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase --abort".
Could not apply f9b4fca... Fixup for openstack review
Import cancelled

Let's find out why git-upstream failed and let's try to continue the rebasing manually.

git status
# HEAD detached from 8e6b9e9
# You are currently rebasing branch 'import/0.5.0' on '8e6b9e9'.
#   (fix conflicts and then run "git rebase --continue")
#   (use "git rebase --skip" to skip this patch)
#   (use "git rebase --abort" to check out the original branch)
# Unmerged paths:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#   (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
# both modified:      jenkins_jobs/
# both modified:      jenkins_jobs/modules/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Depending on the type of conflict, you will could:

  • drop the local change

    Issuing git rebase --skip

  • edit conflicting code

    Change conflicting code in order to accommodate local changes to the new upstream code. You can later resume rebasing process issuing git rebase --continue

By default git-upstream should automatically be re-called as the final step of the rebasing process. Unless however you have used the option --no-merge as an argument to the import command.

In such cases, where you wish to subsequently finish, the import subcommand provides a --finish option to assist:

git checkout master
git upstream import --finish --import-branch import/0.5.0 0.5.0

Integration with Gerrit

You may want to use review with Gerrit the output of git-upstream, in order to perform tests, gating, etc.

You have 2 options for doing that:

Re-review every new commit

In this case we want to review every new commit (since the last import). In order to do so, use the --no-merge flag of git-upstream import command, and:

git checkout import-xxxxx
git push gerrit import-xxxxx-base:import-xxxxx
git review import-xxxxx

If there is more than one new commit, git-review will ask to confirm the submission of multiple changes.

Re-review only the final merge commit

This would be possible by using the --import-branch option of import command and pushing directly (i.e.: bypassing Gerrit) the new branch to the local repo. For instance:

TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%s")
git upstream import --import-branch "import/import-$TIMESTAMP" upstream/master
git push gerrit import/import-$TIMESTAMP:import/import-$TIMESTAMP

Then, create a valid Change-Id for the merge commit

git commit --amend -C HEAD --no-edit

Locally, git-review will still complain about the presence of N+M commits which would be committed BUT on the remote side all those commits will be recognised as already present in one of the two branch involved in the merge.

git review -R -y master