
15 KiB

User Guide

This User Guide shows you how to use Proton to create the needed objects, and then use nova boot to bind the port to a VM. It is assumed that you have already installed etcd and Gluon Plugin, and started Proton Server. If not, please refer to1.

Getting Help

Just typing the protonclient --help command gives you general help information:

$ protonclient --help

Usage: protonclient --api <api_name> [OPTIONS] COMMAND[ARGS]...

--api TEXT      Name of API, one of ['net-l3vpn', 'test']
--port INTEGER  Port of endpoint (OS_PROTON_PORT)
--host TEXT     Host of endpoint (OS_PROTON_HOST)
--help          Show this message and exit.

Mandatory Parameters

--api <api_name> are mandatory parameters. For example, --api net-l3vpn.

Just typing the protonclient command shows you that those mandatory parameters are required, and gives you general help information too:

$ protonclient
--api is not specified!

Usage: protonclient --api <api_name> [OPTIONS] COMMAND[ARGS]...

--api TEXT      Name of API, one of ['net-l3vpn', 'test']
--port INTEGER  Port of endpoint (OS_PROTON_PORT)
--host TEXT     Host of endpoint (OS_PROTON_HOST)
--help          Show this message and exit.

Using L3VPN Proton

NOTE that there is a KNOWN BUG in the Usage message where the mandatory parameters --api net-l3vpn are missing. The examples show you the correct command line usage.

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn
Usage: protonclient [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Create Interface Object

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn interface-create --help
Usage: protonclient interface-create [OPTIONS]

  --segmentation_id INTEGER Segmentation identifier  [required]
  --name TEXT               Descriptive name of Object
  --id TEXT                 UUID of Object
  --segmentation_type [none|vlan|tunnel_vxlan|tunnel_gre|mpls]
                              Type of segmentation for this interface
  --port_id TEXT            Pointer to Port instance  [required]
  --port INTEGER            Port of endpoint (OS_PROTON_PORT)
  --host TEXT               Host of endpoint (OS_PROTON_HOST)
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

There is a default Interface which is automatically created when a Port is created. The UUID of this default Interface will be the same as the UUID of the parent Port.

For example: list the default ``Interface`` Object:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn interface-list
    "interfaces": [
            "name": "TestVPNPort_default",
            "segmentation_id": 0,
            "created_at": "2017-02-14T20:35:47.760126",
            "updated_at": "2017-02-14T20:35:47.760126",
            "port_id": "fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518",
            "segmentation_type": "none",
            "id": "fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518"

Create VPNAFConfig Object

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpnafconfig-create --help
Usage: protonclient vpnafconfig-create [OPTIONS]

  --vrf_rt_value TEXT Route       target string [required]
  --export_route_policy TEXT      Route target export policy
  --import_route_policy TEXT      Route target import policy
  --vrf_rt_type [export_extcommunity|import_extcommunity|both]
                                    Route target type [required]
  --port INTEGER                  Port of endpoint (OS_PROTON_PORT)
  --host TEXT                     Host of endpoint (OS_PROTON_HOST)
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

For example: create a ``VPNAFConfig`` Object:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpnafconfig-create --vrf_rt_type both --vrf_rt_value 1000:1000
    "vrf_rt_type": "both",
    "vrf_rt_value": "1000:1000"

Create VPN Object

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpn-create --help
Usage: protonclient vpn-create [OPTIONS]

  --id TEXT                    UUID of VPN instance
  --name TEXT                  Name of VPN  [required]
  --ipv4_family TEXT           Comma separated list of route target strings
  --ipv6_family TEXT           Comma separated list of route target strings
  --route_distinguishers TEXT  Route distinguisher for this VPN
  --description TEXT           About the VPN
  --port INTEGER               Port of endpoint (OS_PROTON_PORT)
  --host TEXT                  Host of endpoint (OS_PROTON_HOST)
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

You must specify the ipv4_family and ipv6_family attributes. The values should match the vrf_rt_value of the vpnafconfig object. The UUID of VPN instance id is generated by Proton and returned.

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpn-create --name "TestVPN" --ipv4_family 1000:1000 --ipv6_family 1000:1000 --route_distinguishers 1000:1000 --description "My Test VPN"
    "description": "My Test VPN",
    "route_distinguishers": "1000:1000",
    "created_at": "2017-02-14T20:37:58.592999",
    "updated_at": "2017-02-14T20:37:58.592999",
    "ipv6_family": "1000:1000",
    "ipv4_family": "1000:1000",
    "id": "b70b4bbd-aa40-48d7-aa4b-57cc2fd34010",
    "name": "TestVPN"

Create Port Object

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn port-create --help
Usage: protonclient port-create [OPTIONS]

  --device_id TEXT                UUID of bound VM
  --id TEXT                       UUID of Object
  --host_id TEXT                  binding:host_id: Name of bound host
  --mac_address TEXT              MAC address for Port [required]
  --vlan_transparency BOOLEAN     Allow VLAN tagged traffic on Port
  --device_owner TEXT             Name of compute or network service (if
  --mtu INTEGER                   MTU [required]
  --vnic_type [normal|virtual|direct|macvtap|sriov|whole-dev]
                                  Port should be attached to this VNIC type
  --vif_details TEXT              binding:vif_details: JSON string for VIF
  --tenant_id TEXT                UUID of Tenant owning this Port [required]
  --admin_state_up BOOLEAN        Admin state of Port  [required]
  --name TEXT                     Descriptive name of Object
  --vif_type TEXT                 binding:vif_type: binding type for VIF
  --profile TEXT                  JSON string for binding profile dictionary
  --status [ACTIVE|DOWN]          Operational status of Port [required]
  --port INTEGER                  Port of endpoint (OS_PROTON_PORT)
  --host TEXT                     Host of endpoint (OS_PROTON_HOST)
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

These values should be specified.

The tenant_id should be obtained from OpenStack.

The UUID of the object id is generated by the Proton and returned.

For example: create a ``Port`` Object:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn port-create --mac_address c8:2a:14:04:43:80 --mtu 1500 --admin_state_up True --name "TestVPNPort" --vlan_transparency True --vnic_type normal --vif_type ovs --status ACTIVE --tenant_id 5205b400fa6c4a888a0b229200562229
    "profile": null,
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "vif_type": "ovs",
    "name": "TestVPNPort",
    "device_owner": null,
    "admin_state_up": true,
    "tenant_id": "5205b400fa6c4a888a0b229200562229",
    "created_at": "2017-02-14T20:35:47.749427",
    "vif_details": null,
    "updated_at": "2017-02-14T20:35:47.749427",
    "mtu": 1500,
    "vnic_type": "normal",
    "vlan_transparency": true,
    "mac_address": "c8:2a:14:04:43:80",
    "host_id": null,
    "id": "fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518",
    "device_id": null

As we mentioned earlier, a default interface object is created too, and attached to this port object.

At this point you have a port object, default interface object and a vpn service object created.

View VPN and Port Objects

You can view the values with the following commands:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpn-list
    "vpns": [
            "description": "My Test VPN",
            "route_distinguishers": "1000:1000",
            "created_at": "2017-02-14T20:37:58.592999",
            "updated_at": "2017-02-14T20:37:58.592999",
            "ipv6_family": "1000:1000",
            "ipv4_family": "1000:1000",
            "id": "b70b4bbd-aa40-48d7-aa4b-57cc2fd34010",
            "name": "TestVPN"
$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn port-list
    "ports": [
            "profile": null,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "vif_type": "ovs",
            "name": "TestVPNPort",
            "device_owner": null,
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "tenant_id": "5205b400fa6c4a888a0b229200562229",
            "created_at": "2017-02-14T20:35:47.749427",
            "vif_details": null,
            "updated_at": "2017-02-14T20:35:47.749427",
            "mtu": 1500,
            "vnic_type": "normal",
            "vlan_transparency": true,
            "mac_address": "c8:2a:14:04:43:80",
            "host_id": null,
            "id": "fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518",
            "device_id": null

Create VPNBinding Object

You need to create a vpnbinding object to tie the Interface and the Service together in order to achieve service binding.

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpnbinding-create --help
Usage: protonclient vpnbinding-create [OPTIONS]

  --interface_id TEXT      Pointer to Interface instance  [required]
  --gateway TEXT           Default gateway
  --ipaddress TEXT         IP Address of port
  --subnet_prefix INTEGER  Subnet mask
  --service_id TEXT        Pointer to Service instance  [required]
  --port INTEGER           Port of endpoint (OS_PROTON_PORT)
  --host TEXT              Host of endpoint (OS_PROTON_HOST)
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

The vpnbinding object is created by using an interface_id and a service_id. In our example, a default interface object was automatically created and attached to a port object when the port object was created. The Service is vpn. Thus we use the id of the default interface object, and the id of the vpn object.

For example: create a ``VPNBinding`` Object:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpnbinding-create --interface_id fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518 --service_id b70b4bbd-aa40-48d7-aa4b-57cc2fd34010 --ipaddress --subnet_prefix 24 --gateway
    "created_at": "2017-02-14T20:39:52.382433",
    "subnet_prefix": 24,
    "updated_at": "2017-02-14T20:39:52.382433",
    "interface_id": "fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518",
    "service_id": "b70b4bbd-aa40-48d7-aa4b-57cc2fd34010",
    "ipaddress": "",
    "gateway": ""

View VPNBinding Objects

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpnbinding-list
    "vpnbindings": [
            "created_at": "2017-02-14T20:39:52.382433",
            "subnet_prefix": 24,
            "updated_at": "2017-02-14T20:39:52.382433",
            "interface_id": "fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518",
            "service_id": "b70b4bbd-aa40-48d7-aa4b-57cc2fd34010",
            "ipaddress": "",
            "gateway": ""

At this point you have had all of the information needed for an L3VPN Port in Proton.

Create VM and Bind our L3VPN Port

$ nova --debug boot --flavor 1 --image cirros --nic port-id=fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518 TestGluon

When bound, the etcd data will look like:

$ etcdctl  --endpoint ls / --recursive

You may use other command in etcd to check specific data record, such as:

# etcdctl --endpoint get /proton/net-l3vpn/Port/fe338d4c-2aef-4487-aa25-cb753bf02518

To Use Gluon in a Project

import gluon


  1. installation↩︎