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Install Gluon Plugin and Proton Server

Here the assumption is that etcd cluster is already installed. Otherwise, please refer to1.

On Controller

Assume the user logged in with sudo privileges. On an Ubuntu system:

STEP-1: Clone Gluon Repository stable/ocata branch:

$ cd ~
$ git clone -b stable/ocata

STEP-2: Create user and group for gluon and proton users

$ sudo adduser --system --group proton

STEP-3: Create directories

$ sudo mkdir /opt/proton
$ sudo chown proton /opt/proton
$ sudo mkdir /etc/proton

STEP-4: Setup iptables

$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --ports 2705 -m comment --comment gluon -j ACCEPT
$ sudo invoke-rc.d iptables-persistent save

# Note: for Ubuntu 16.04, you may have to use netfilter-persistent as follows:
# sudo apt-get install netfilter-persistent
# sudo invoke-rc.d netfilter-persistent save

STEP-5: Create config files and set permissions

$ sudo cat > /etc/proton/proton.conf <<EOF
state_path = /opt/proton

$ sudo chown -R proton /etc/proton
$ sudo chmod -R go+w /etc/proton

STEP-6: Install Gluon package

$ cd ~/gluon
$ python build
$ sudo python develop
$ sudo python install

STEP-7: Setup service for proton-server

$ sudo cp ~/gluon/scripts/proton-server.conf /etc/init
$ sudo start proton-server

STEP-8: Test installation

You should now have the proton-server running. Test by running the following command:

$ protonclient baseport-list
# The output should look like:

STEP-9: Modify neutron.conf to point to the gluon plugin

# Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. Change the core_plugin:
core_plugin = gluon.plugin.core.GluonPlugin

STEP-10: Restart neutron-server

$ service neutron-server restart

Or in a devstack environment, do the following:

# do "screen -x"
# goto the screen for q-svc
# do "Ctrl C" to kill the service
# use arrow key to recollect the previous command and enter

STEP-11: Create Gluon Dummy Objects in Neutron:

# Source the openrc file for the admin user (depends on your system)
# Create the dummy Gluon Network:
$ neutron net-create --shared --provider:network_type local GluonNetwork

# Create the dummy GluonSubnet:
$ neutron subnet-create --name GluonSubnet --no-gateway --disable-dhcp GluonNetwork

STEP-12: Restart neutron-server

service neutron-server restart

** The controller should be setup now**

STEP-13: Running the Sample Shim Layer Server

Please refer to vendor documentation for specific implementations and installation procedure.

A test shim server is included in the gluon package. You need to:

# Modify host list for shim server
# Create br-gluon bridge


  1. install_etcd↩︎