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States and Transitions

The following diagram shows the states that a server goes through during the lifetime.

Allowed State Transitions

digraph states {

graph [pad=".35", ranksep="0.65", nodesep="0.55", concentrate=true]; node [fontsize=10 fontname="Monospace"]; edge [arrowhead="normal", arrowsize="0.8"]; label="All states are allowed to transition to DELETING, MAINTENANCE and ERROR."; forcelabels=true; labelloc=bottom; labeljust=left;

/* states */ building [label="BUILDING"] active [label="ACTIVE"] stopped [label="STOPPED"] powering_on [label="POWERING_ON"] powering_off [label="POWERING_OFF"] soft_powering_off [label="SOFT_POWERING_OFF"] rebooting [label="REBOOTING"] soft_rebooting [label="SOFT_REBOOTING"] rebuilding [label="REBUILDING"] deleting [label="DELETING", color="red"] error [label="ERROR", color="red"] maintenance [label="MAINTENANCE", color="red"]

/* transitions [action] */ active -> rebuilding active -> powering_off active -> soft_powering_off active -> rebooting active -> soft_rebooting

stopped -> powering_on stopped -> rebuilding

building -> active rebuilding -> active powering_on -> active powering_off -> stopped soft_powering_off -> stopped rebooting -> active soft_rebooting -> active
