
859 B

RackHD/OpenStack Coordinator (shovel)

You can install Shovel by cloning this repo

git clone
sudo mv Shovel /var/
cd /var/Shovel
sudo npm install
sudo ./scripts/
sudo npm start

Or you can use npm install to Download shovel package

npm install node-shovel
sudo mv node_modules/node-shovel /var/Shovel
cd /var/Shovel
sudo ./scripts/
sudo npm start

Once the service is running, you can use swagger GUI to setup RackHD, Ironic, Keystone and Glance hostname and login information: http://:9005/docs (You can also change Shovel Port(default:9005) note that the service will restart with the new configuration.

Shovel-Ironic Set info Example:

alt text

Shovel Set Port Example:

alt text