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User Guide
Once the *Kafka Plugin* is installed following the instructions of
the :ref:`Installation Guide`, you can add Kafka nodes to new or
existing Mirantis OpenStack (MOS) environment.
Plugin Configuration
To use the *Kafka Plugin*, you need to add nodes with Kafka role `Add a node to an OpenStack environment
1. Make sure that the plugin is properly installed on the Fuel Master node.
Go to the *Plugins* tab. You should see the following:
.. image:: images/plugins-list.png
:width: 100%
2. Enable the plugin. You can configure additional setting on this step.
Go to the *Environments* tab and select the *The Apache Kafka Message Broker Plugin* checkbox:
.. image:: images/settings.png
:width: 100%
3. Add nodes to your environment and assign the **Kafka** role.
.. note:: When `adding nodes
to the environment and `assign or change a role
do not forget to use an odd number of nodes as recommended in :ref:`overview` section.
.. image:: images/assign-role.png
:width: 100%
4. `Verify your network configuration
5. `Deploy your changes
once you are done with the configuration of your environment.
Plugin Verification
#. On the Fuel Master node, find the IP address of a node where the
Kafka is installed using the :command:`fuel nodes` command:
.. code-block:: console
[root@fuel ~]# fuel nodes
id|status|name |cluster|ip |mac |roles |
1 |ready |Untitled (fa:87)| 1 |... |... |kafka |
2 |ready |Untitled (12:aa)| 1 |... |... |kafka |
3 |ready |Untitled (4e:6e)| 1 |... |... |kafka |
#. Log in to any of these nodes using SSH, for example, to ``node-1``.
#. Run the following command:
.. code-block:: console
root@node-1:~# netstat -ntpl | grep java
tcp6 0 0 :::9092 :::* LISTEN 14702/java
tcp6 0 0 :::2181 :::* LISTEN 9710/java
tcp6 0 0 :::9990 :::* LISTEN 14702/java
You will see that Kafka and Zookeeper are running and listening theirs ports:
2181 - Zookeeper, 9092 and 9990 - Kafka.
#. Additionally you can test sending/receiving messages with instructions on `Quick Start Guide (Step 3 - Step 5) <http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#quickstart>`_